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Let's cut to the chase: if you don't have a lead nurturing strategy, you're leaving money on the table. Plain and simple. And lead nurturing doesn't mean spamming your prospects with generic emails, hoping something sticks.

So let's dig into everything you need to know about lead nurturing, must-have elements of a winning lead nurturing email, lead nurturing best practices, and nurturing strategies proven to increase your lead generation and speed to lead rates across your various lead sourcing channels.

Ready to stop wasting time and start closing deals? Let's get to it.

What is Lead Nurturing?

lead nurturing best practices infographics

Before we jump into the nitty-gritty, let's get our definitions straight.

Lead nurturing is about building relationships with potential customers throughout their buying journey. Think of it as dating, but for business. You're not proposing on the first date - you're getting to know each other, building trust, and showing why you're the best choice.

Here's what it looks like in practice:

  • Delivering relevant info tailored to your prospect's needs and interests
  • Keeping your brand top-of-mind without being annoying
  • Gently guiding leads down the sales funnel until they're ready to buy.

Do it right, and your chances of closing significantly increase. In situations where the deal doesn't close due to some other reason, the prospect still leaves with a positive impression of your brand. They're more likely to come back via inbound marketing if their chosen solution doesn't pan out, or when they're ready for a change.

Key Elements of a Winning Lead Nurturing Email

What makes a lead nurturing email work? Here are the essentials you need to nail:

  • Company branding: Your logo and consistent visual style. Makes your email instantly recognizable. Keep it subtle - you're not here to win design awards.
  • Greeting and introduction: Personalized opener that addresses the recipient directly. Sets the tone and grabs attention. Use their name and reference previous interactions if possible.
  • Email copy with a call to action: The meat of your message. Delivers value and nudges towards action. Keep it concise, focused on one main point, and always tie back to the recipient's needs.
  • CTA button: Clear, action-oriented button. Makes the next step obvious. Use contrasting colors and action verbs like "Get", "Start", or "Learn".
  • Signature: Your name and role. Adds a human touch. Include a professional photo to build a connection.
  • Link to your website: Easy way back to your main site. Provides more info for interested leads. Place it in the footer, don't let it distract from your main CTA.
  • Unsubscribe link: Legal requirement and courtesy. Keep your list clean and respect the recipient's choices. Make it visible but not prominent.

Benefits of Lead Nurturing

lead nurturing best practices infographics benefits of lead nurturing

Look, I get it. You're busy. You've got a million things on your plate. Why should lead nurturing be one of them?

Here's why:

#1. Ensures You Don’t Waste Your Prospect’s Time

It's a time saver. Lead nurturing ensures you're delivering relevant, timely content to your prospects, tailored to their specific needs and stages in the buyer's journey. This precision approach respects your prospect's time, keeping them engaged without overwhelming them with irrelevant information.

The result? A shorter sales cycle, higher conversion rates, and prospects who feel understood and valued.

#2. Differentiates Your Brand

In a sea of "Buy Now!" messages, nurturing helps you build actual relationships. You're not just another faceless company.

A lead nurturing strategy means you are consistently delivering personalized, valuable content that addresses your prospects' specific needs and pain points. This targeted approach builds trust, establishes your expertise, and creates a memorable brand experience that stands out from the competition.

The value? Increased brand loyalty, higher engagement rates, and a stronger market position.

#3. Curates Personalized Journeys for Your Prospects

Cookie-cutter approaches are a no-go in today's market. With lead nurturing, you create tailored experiences for each prospect, delivering content and interactions that match their interests, behaviors, and stages in the buying process.

This approach to personalization improves engagement, increases the relevance of your communications, and guides prospects toward a purchase decision. It also results in higher conversion rates, increased customer satisfaction, and more efficient use of marketing resources.

#4. Increases Conversions

According to Demandsage, companies that nurtured leads were able to generate 50% more sales with 33% lower cost expenses. Lead nurturing boosts conversion rates by guiding prospects through the sales funnel with targeted content and interactions, addressing their concerns and needs at each stage.

This approach increases the likelihood of prospects choosing your solution when they're ready to buy, resulting in higher ROI on marketing efforts, increased sales, and a more predictable revenue stream.

#5. Do More with Less

Efficiency is one of the biggest benefits of an effective lead nurturing strategy. It automates your prospect engagement, allowing you to reach more potential customers with personalized content without increasing your workload.

This efficiency enables your team to focus on high-value tasks while maintaining consistent, quality interactions with prospects. The marketing automation also reduces the cost per lead, improves resource allocation, and increases overall marketing productivity.

#6. Reactivate Dormant Leads

With lead nurturing, you can rekindle interest from prospects who've gone cold, re-engaging them with relevant content and personalized outreach.

This approach taps into an often-overlooked segment of your database, potentially reviving sales opportunities that were thought lost. It's more cost-effective than acquiring new leads, leverages existing relationships, and can significantly boost your conversion rates from previously unresponsive contacts.

#7. Identify Redundant/Dirty Customer Data for CRM Cleaning

As a bonus, nurturing campaigns help you identify and clean out outdated or inaccurate data in your CRM. By tracking lead interactions and engagement, the process naturally surfaces inconsistencies, duplicate entries, and obsolete information.

Cleaner data improves targeting accuracy, enhances personalization efforts, and increases the overall effectiveness of your marketing campaigns. It also ensures compliance with data protection regulations and maintains the integrity of your customer database.

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15 Lead Nurturing Best Practices to Improve Prospect Relationships

Ready to take your lead nurturing to the next level? These 15 best practices will help you build stronger relationships with prospects, increase engagement, and ultimately drive more conversions.

#1. Target Your Content Appropriately

Targeting your content appropriately means delivering personalized, relevant information to each prospect based on their specific interests, behaviors, and stage in the buying journey. This approach dramatically improves engagement rates and nurtures leads more effectively because it addresses their needs and pain points directly.

By providing content that resonates with each prospect, you build trust and demonstrate your understanding of their challenges, making them more likely to view your brand as a valuable resource and potential solution.

Pro tips:

  • Use behavioral data and lead scoring to inform your targeting
  • Create buyer personas to guide content creation and distribution
  • Regularly review and update your targeting criteria based on performance metrics.

#2. Test Out Text-Based Emails

Strip out the usual HTML design and test out sending simple, plain-text messages instead. This approach can significantly improve deliverability and engagement rates.

Text-based emails often feel more personal and authentic, mimicking one-to-one communication rather than mass marketing. They're less likely to trigger spam filters and load quickly on all devices, ensuring your message reaches the intended recipient. By stripping away distracting design elements, you force yourself to focus on crafting compelling copy that resonates with your audience, ultimately improving the quality of your nurturing content.

Pro tips:

  • Keep messages concise and focused on a single call-to-action
  • Use personalization tokens to increase relevance
  • A/B test subject lines and message content for optimal performance.

#3. Create Supporting Content Formats

Explore developing a diverse range of content types beyond just blog posts or emails, such as videos, infographics, podcasts, or interactive tools. This approach to content strategy caters to different learning styles and preferences among your prospects, increasing the likelihood of engagement.

A diet of varied content formats provides your prospects multiple entry points to connect with your brand. It also deepens their understanding of your offerings and nudges them down the sales funnel. This diversity also allows you to repurpose and amplify your core messages across different channels, reinforcing your value proposition and keeping leads engaged throughout their journey.

Pro tips:

  • Align content formats with your audience's preferences and consumption habits
  • Ensure consistent messaging across all content types
  • Use each format to its strengths (e.g., video for demonstrations, infographics for data visualization).

#4. Send Personalized Email Sequences

Sending personalized email sequences means crafting a series of tailored emails that respond to specific actions, interests, or characteristics of your leads. This approach enhances lead nurturing by delivering relevant content at the right time in the prospect's journey.

Personalized sequences increase engagement rates because they address the individual needs and pain points of each lead, making them feel understood and valued. By automating these sequences based on trigger events or lead behavior, you ensure consistent, timely follow-up without overwhelming your team, allowing for scalable, effective nurturing that guides prospects toward conversion.

Pro tips:

  • Use dynamic content to customize email body based on lead data
  • Set up trigger-based sequences for key actions (e.g., content downloads, website visits)
  • Regularly review and optimize sequences based on performance metrics.

#5. Explore Retargeting

Retargeting serves targeted ads to leads who have previously interacted with your website or content across various platforms. This practice keeps your brand top-of-mind and nurtures leads by reinforcing your message and value proposition.

It improves lead nurturing by maintaining engagement with prospects who have shown interest but aren't yet ready to convert, gently reminding them of your offerings as they browse other sites. Retargeting allows you to deliver tailored messages based on specific actions or pages visited, creating a more personalized and relevant nurturing experience that can significantly increase conversion rates.

Pro tips:

  • Segment your retargeting audiences based on behavior and interest level
  • Use dynamic ads that showcase products or content the lead has already viewed
  • Set frequency caps to avoid ad fatigue and maintain a positive brand perception.

#6. Use Marketing Automation Tools to Follow Up with Leads Promptly

One of the major benefit of marketing automation tools is they enable you to send timely, personalized follow-ups to leads based on their actions or predefined triggers. This approach ensures that no lead falls through the cracks and that each receives a relevant response at the optimal moment.

Prompt follow-ups improve lead nurturing by capitalizing on the lead's current interest and engagement, increasing the likelihood of moving them further down the sales funnel. If automated, these follow-ups help maintain consistent communication without overburdening your team, allowing for scalable, efficient nurturing that can significantly boost conversion rates and shorten sales cycles.

Pro tips:

  • Set up triggered workflows for key actions like form submissions or content downloads
  • Personalize automated messages using dynamic fields and segmentation
  • Regularly review and optimize your automation workflows based on performance data.

Best Marketing Automation Tools

Marketing automation tools play a crucial role in implementing and optimizing lead nurturing strategies. They automate processes, provide valuable insights, and help scale your efforts efficiently. 

Here's a shortlist of the very best marketing automation tools to consider, along with what I found each does best:

#7. Use Multichannel Marketing to Nurture Leads

Multichannel marketing nurtures leads across various platforms and touch-points, including email, social media, content marketing, and retargeting ads. This approach creates a cohesive brand experience and reinforces your message across multiple fronts.

Meeting prospects where they are increases the chances of engagement and conversion. By using different channels, you cater to diverse preferences in content consumption and communication styles, ensuring no lead slips through the cracks. Multichannel marketing also provides valuable data on which channels are most effective for different segments, allowing for more targeted and efficient nurturing strategies over time.

Pro tips:

  • Maintain consistent messaging and branding across all channels
  • Use cross-channel tracking to understand the full customer journey
  • Tailor content to each channel's strengths and audience expectations.

#8. Make it Easy to Opt-Out of Your Lead Nurturing Campaigns 

Making it easy to opt-out of lead nurturing campaigns means providing clear, simple unsubscribe options in all your communications. This practice respects your leads' preferences and builds trust in your brand.

Counterintuitively, easy opt-outs can actually enhance your nurturing efforts by ensuring your list remains filled with engaged, interested prospects. It demonstrates transparency and confidence in your offering, which can increase respect for your brand.

Moreover, by allowing uninterested leads to remove themselves, you maintain a higher-quality list, improve deliverability rates, and focus your resources on leads more likely to convert.

Pro tips:

  • Include a one-click unsubscribe link in every email
  • Offer granular opt-out options (e.g., reducing frequency instead of full unsubscribe)
  • Regularly clean your list by removing consistently unengaged contacts.

#9. Use Lead Scoring to Focus on the Right Segments

Lead scoring assigns numerical values to leads based on their behaviors, demographics, and engagement levels. This intent data system helps prioritize leads and tailor nurturing efforts accordingly. By focusing on the most promising segments, you can allocate resources more efficiently and increase conversion rates.

Lead scoring allows for more personalized and timely interactions, as you can trigger specific nurturing actions when a lead reaches certain score thresholds. This targeted approach not only improves the lead experience but also shortens sales cycles by identifying sales-ready leads faster and nurturing others with content that matches their current level of interest.

Pro tips:

  • Align scoring criteria with your ideal customer profile and buyer journey
  • Regularly review and adjust your scoring model based on actual conversion data
  • Use both explicit (demographic) and implicit (behavioral) data in your scoring.

#10. Map Out Your Customer Journey

Mapping out your customer journey involves creating a visual representation of every touchpoint a lead has with your brand, from initial awareness to post-purchase. This comprehensive view allows you to identify key moments of engagement and potential pain points throughout the buyer's journey.

By understanding the path your leads typically take, you can create more targeted and relevant nurturing content for each stage.

This approach enhances the effectiveness of your nurturing efforts by ensuring you're delivering the right message at the right time, addressing specific needs and concerns as they arise. A well-mapped customer journey also helps in identifying gaps in your nurturing process and opportunities for improvement.

Pro tips:

  • Involve multiple departments (marketing, sales, customer service) in creating the journey map
  • Use data from analytics, customer feedback, and sales interactions to inform your map
  • Regularly update your journey map to reflect changes in customer behavior or market conditions.

#11. Segment Your Target Account Lists

Segmenting target account lists divides your prospects into distinct groups based on shared characteristics, behaviors, or needs.

This practice allows for highly tailored nurturing strategies that resonate with each specific segment. By delivering more relevant content and offers to each group, you increase engagement rates and move leads through the funnel more effectively.

Segmentation enables you to speak directly to the unique pain points and interests of different account types, creating a more personalized experience that builds stronger relationships. This targeted approach not only improves conversion rates but also helps in allocating resources more efficiently by focusing on the most promising segments.

Pro tips:

  • Use both firmographic data (company size, industry) and behavioral data (engagement level, content preferences) for segmentation
  • Create detailed buyer personas for each segment to guide content creation
  • Regularly analyze segment performance and adjust your strategies accordingly.

#12. Setup a Multi-touch Customer Journey

A multi-touch customer journey creates multiple points of contact with leads across various channels and stages of their buying process. This approach recognizes that prospects rarely convert after a single interaction, instead requiring multiple engagements to build trust and interest. You also end up with a consistent and reinforcing narrative that guides leads towards conversion.

Each interaction builds upon the last, addressing different aspects of the prospect's needs and concerns. This comprehensive strategy ensures that no matter where a lead enters your funnel or how they prefer to engage, they receive a cohesive and compelling brand experience that nurtures them effectively towards a purchase decision.

Pro tips:

  • Vary your content types and channels to cater to different preferences and stages of the journey
  • Use automation to trigger timely follow-ups based on specific actions or milestones
  • Incorporate both digital (email, social media) and traditional (direct mail, phone calls) touch-points for a well-rounded approach.

#13. Create Opportunities for 1-on-1 Conversations

Creating opportunities for 1-on-1 conversations sets up personalized interactions between your team and individual leads through channels like phone calls, video chats, or in-person meetings. You add a human touch to your nurturing process, allowing for deeper, more meaningful engagements.

By offering direct, personalized communication, you can address specific concerns, build stronger relationships, and gain valuable insights into your leads' needs and decision-making processes. These one-on-one interactions provide an opportunity to tailor your pitch in real-time, answer complex questions, and demonstrate your commitment to understanding and solving the prospect's unique challenges.

This level of personal attention can significantly accelerate the nurturing process and increase the likelihood of conversion.

Pro tips:

  • Train your team to listen actively and ask insightful questions during these conversations
  • Use scheduling tools to make it easy for leads to book time with your team
  • Follow up each conversation with personalized content or resources based on the discussion.

#14. Run Surveys and Analyze Sales Calls

Running surveys and analyzing sales calls gathers direct feedback and insights from leads and prospects. This practice provides valuable data on customer needs, pain points, and preferences. By understanding your audience better, you can refine your nurturing strategies to address specific concerns and tailor your messaging more effectively.

Surveys offer quantitative data on trends and preferences, while sales call analysis reveals qualitative insights into objections, decision-making processes, and effective selling points. This combination of data sources allows you to continually improve your nurturing approach, creating more relevant and impactful interactions that move leads through the funnel more efficiently.

Pro tips:

  • Keep surveys short and focused, with a mix of multiple-choice and open-ended questions
  • Use call recording and AI-powered analysis tools to identify patterns and key phrases in sales conversations
  • Regularly share insights from surveys and call analysis with your marketing and sales teams to inform strategy.

#15. Test Different Times for Contacting Prospects

Testing different times for contacting prospects means experimenting with various schedules for sending emails, making calls, or posting on social media to determine when your audience is most responsive.

This practice optimizes your outreach efforts by identifying the most effective times to engage with your leads. By reaching out when prospects are most likely to be receptive, you increase the chances of your messages being seen, read, and acted upon.

Optimizing for time can significantly boost open rates, engagement, and ultimately, conversion rates. Understanding the best contact times for different segments of your audience allows you to tailor your nurturing strategy for maximum impact, ensuring your efforts aren't wasted on poorly timed communications.

Pro tips:

  • Use A/B testing to compare response rates for different outreach times
  • Consider time zones and industry-specific work patterns when scheduling outreach
  • Analyze your website traffic patterns to inform your contact timing strategy.

5 Proven Lead Nurturing Strategies to Increase Conversions and Revenue

Alright, enough with the theory. Let's get practical. Here are five lead nurturing strategies that have been battle-tested and proven to boost conversions and revenue.

#1. Cold and Warm Outreach Email Sequences

Cold and warm outreach email sequences are targeted, multi-step email campaigns designed to engage prospects at different stages of awareness. Cold sequences introduce your brand to new contacts, while warm sequences nurture leads who've shown interest.

This strategy works because it allows for personalized, timely communication that guides prospects through the sales funnel.

Some best practices to get this strategy right:

  • Segment your audience based on behavior and interest
  • Craft compelling subject lines and personalized content
  • Include clear, action-oriented CTAs in each email.

#2. Social Selling

Social selling is where SDRs and AEs use social media platforms to find, connect with, and nurture leads through relationship-building and value-driven interactions.

This is a great approach because your sales reps tap into prospects' existing online behaviors, allowing for more natural, contextual engagement than traditional outreach methods.

Some best practices to get this strategy right:

  • Share valuable, relevant content consistently
  • Engage in conversations, don't just broadcast
  • Use social listening tools to identify sales opportunities.

#3. Targeted Content Syndication

Targeted content syndication distributes your content across relevant third-party platforms to reach a wider, yet still focused, audience. It enables you to amplify your reach beyond your owned media channels, putting your message in front of potential leads who might not otherwise encounter your brand.

Some best practices to get this strategy right:

  • Choose syndication partners that align with your target audience
  • Tailor content to each platform's unique format and audience
  • Include clear calls-to-action to drive traffic back to your site.

#4. Cold Calls

With cold calling, your SDRs reach out to potential leads via phone who haven't previously expressed interest in your product or service. It provides a direct, personal connection with prospects, allowing for immediate feedback and the opportunity to address objections in real-time.

Some best practices to get this strategy right:

  • Research your prospects thoroughly before calling
  • Prepare a strong, concise value proposition
  • Focus on setting up a follow-up meeting rather than closing on the first call

Despite its reputation, a cold call done well can set the stage for a fruitful relationship with a prospect.

#5. Direct Mail

In an industry dominated by digital communication, direct mail can be a stand-out lead nurturing strategy. It involves sending physical marketing materials to prospects' mailboxes. And it is a great way to offer a tactile experience that leaves a lasting impression and cuts through the noise of overflowing inboxes.

Some best practices to get this strategy right:

  • Personalize each piece beyond just the recipient's name
  • Include a clear, compelling call-to-action
  • Integrate with digital channels for tracking and follow-up.

4 Tips for Running Successful Lead Nurturing Campaigns

Ready to run successful lead nurture campaigns? These four essential tips will help you kickstart your process, guarantee you great results, and turn your prospects into raving fans.

#1. Align Your Sales and Marketing Teams on Your Nurturing Goals

Alignment between marketing and sales teams is a key element of an effective lead-nurturing process. By establishing shared goals and clear communication protocols, both teams can work in tandem to get your prospects moving through the sales funnel.

Leads also get consistent messaging and are seamlessly transitioned from marketing to sales. The result? Increased conversion rates and revenue.

Some best practices to keep in mind:

  • Establish shared KPIs and regular joint meetings to track progress
  • Create a clear lead handoff process with defined qualification criteria
  • Develop a shared content library accessible to both teams.

#2. Set Specific, Measurable Goals

Setting specific, measurable goals is the first step to the success of any lead nurturing campaign because it provides clear targets and benchmarks for success. These goals guide your strategy, help track progress, and allow for data-driven optimization of your nurturing efforts.

Some best practices to keep in mind:

  • Use the SMART framework: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound
  • Align nurturing goals with overall business objectives
  • Regularly review and adjust goals based on performance data.

With well-defined goals, you transform your lead nurturing strategy from a vague concept into a strategic, results-driven process that consistently improves your bottom line.

#3. Clean Up Your CRM

A clean CRM is a powerful asset in lead nurturing. Maintaining accurate and up-to-date lead information enables you to be more effective when targeting and personalizing your nurturing efforts.

A clean CRM improves the efficiency of your campaigns and helps maintain compliance with data protection regulations.

Some best practices to keep in mind:

  • Regularly remove duplicate entries and update outdated information
  • Standardize data entry formats across your team to maintain consistency
  • Use automation tools to enrich lead data and flag potential inaccuracies.

Do this regularly, and you have the foundation of a successful lead nurturing process.

#4. Don’t Forget to Follow Up with Your Leads

Following up with leads consistently maintains engagement and keeps your brand top-of-mind throughout the buying journey. Regular, timely follow-ups demonstrate your commitment to addressing prospects' needs and can significantly increase conversion rates.

Some best practices to keep in mind:

  • Create a structured follow-up schedule based on lead behavior and engagement level
  • Personalize follow-up messages with relevant content or insights from previous interactions
  • Use a mix of channels (email, phone, social media) for follow-ups to cater to different preferences.

Takeaway: Effective follow-up turns initial interest into sustained engagement, moving leads closer to conversion with each thoughtful interaction.

How to Measure Your Lead Nurturing Campaigns

Measuring your lead nurturing campaigns is crucial for understanding their effectiveness and identifying areas for improvement. By tracking key metrics, you can optimize your strategies and maximize your return on investment.

  • Sales cycle time: The average duration from initial contact to conversion, indicating nurturing efficiency.
  • Unsubscribe rates: Percentage of leads opting out, signaling content relevance or fatigue.
  • Open rates: Percentage of recipients opening emails, reflecting subject line and sender effectiveness.
  • Click-through rates: Percentage of recipients clicking on links, indicating content engagement.
  • Conversion rates: Percentage of nurtured leads becoming customers, measuring overall campaign success.
  • Cost per conversion: Total campaign cost divided by number of conversions, assessing economic efficiency.
  • ROI: Return on investment, calculated by (Revenue - Cost) / Cost, evaluating overall campaign profitability.

Tracking these metrics provides valuable insights into the performance of your campaigns. And give you and your team a clear picture of how well your lead nurturing efforts are resonating with your audience and contributing to your business goals.

Time to Nurture or Get Left Behind

Lead nurturing isn't a nice-to-have anymore - it's a must-have for any business serious about growth. By implementing the strategies and best practices we've covered, you'll be well on your way to nurturing leads that convert, customers that stick around, and a bottom line that keeps growing.

Remember, the key to successful lead nurturing is simple: understand your prospects, deliver value, and build relationships. Do that consistently, and you'll be miles ahead of the competition.

Now stop reading and start nurturing. Your leads (and your CFO) will thank you.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is lead nurturing, and why is it important?

Lead nurturing is crucial for businesses as it involves building relationships with potential customers, guiding them through the sales funnel, and ultimately increasing conversions. It helps businesses to stand out and offers a personalized experience for each prospect.

How do I create a successful lead nurturing email?

To create a successful lead nurturing email, ensure it includes company branding, a personalized greeting, engaging copy with a clear call-to-action, and an easy way to unsubscribe. Personalization and relevance are crucial for capturing the recipient’s interest.

Can you provide an example of a lead nurturing strategy?

Yes, a lead nurturing strategy could involve personalized email sequences tailored to a lead’s actions, such as sending relevant information after they download a resource or visit a specific webpage. This helps move them closer to making a purchase.

What are some best practices for measuring the success of lead nurturing campaigns?

To measure the success of lead nurturing campaigns, track sales cycle time, monitor engagement through open and click-through rates, analyze conversion rates, and calculate the cost per conversion and overall ROI of the campaigns. This provides a comprehensive understanding of the campaign’s effectiveness.

How can I ensure my lead nurturing campaigns are effective in the future?

To ensure your lead nurturing campaigns are effective, stay updated on AI, use personalized content and marketing automation, and continuously adapt your strategies based on performance data and changing customer behaviors. This will help you remain effective and relevant in the future.

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Dozie Anyaegbunam

Dozie Anyaegbunam is the Senior Editor of The CMO Club, a digital media publication that helps SaaS marketing leaders win at work. He has several years of core brand marketing experience across various verticals, from edu-tech, to food and beverages, to SaaS. He's also led marketing teams at B2B SaaS startups, global multinationals, and the public sector. Dozie is the Founder & Host of The Newcomers, a media publication that explores what it means to be an immigrant.