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As someone who has navigated the evolving landscape of marketing automation software for years, I understand the weight of choosing the right tools. With this TapClicks review, I intend to provide a clear look at this software, helping you determine if it aligns with your business needs.

Tapclicks software review screenshot showing dashboards
With TapClicks, you can display daily or near-real-time KPIs, critical statistics, and measurements. Change a template to update graphs, charts, and layouts on dozens or hundreds of dashboards.

TapClicks Software Product Overview

TapClicks provides a robust marketing automation and digital marketing intelligence software designed to consolidate and visualize marketing performance metrics. Its primary users include marketers, media companies, and agencies looking for a centralized dashboard to track and analyze their marketing campaigns.

This marketing software tool offers the significant benefit of streamlined data management and reporting, effectively reducing the time spent on compiling data from various sources. It addresses pain points such as scattered data, lack of unified reporting, and complex analytics, simplifying these processes for better decision-making.

Among its best features are customizable dashboards, automated reporting, and comprehensive integrations with over 200 marketing data sources.


  • Data Integration: Seamless connectivity allows users to aggregate data from various platforms.
  • Customization: Tailored dashboards cater to specific user needs and preferences.
  • Automation: Time-efficient report generation boosts productivity for users.


  • Learning Curve: Initial complexity can be daunting for new users.
  • Customization Limits: Some pre-set limitations might hinder full flexibility.
  • Resource Intensity: The software may require more processing power for larger data sets.

Expert Opinion

In my assessment, TapClicks stands out in its ability to integrate and automate marketing data, offering a substantial edge for data-heavy organizations. It excels in customization and data visualization, providing users with actionable insights that many competing tools struggle to match.

While it outperforms others in integration count and report automation, its initial learning curve can be steeper, and certain customization options could feel limiting. It seems best suited for environments where marketing data is vast and comes from a multitude of channels.

Users will find its depth particularly useful for detailed analysis and reporting but may need patience and possibly additional resources to fully harness its capabilities.

TapClicks Review: The Bottom Line

Tapclicks software review screenshot showing reports
With TapClicks, you can build custom, one-of-a-kind reports to reflect your style and the message you want to present.

In my experience, TapClicks stands unique in its expansive data connectivity, offering integrations that allow businesses to harness a comprehensive view of their marketing efforts in one place.

What's particularly impressive is its customization capabilities, letting users create a tailored analytics experience that caters to their unique needs.

Its most noteworthy features, like automated reporting and customizable dashboards, are not just functional but critical for efficient data analysis in today’s fast-paced marketing environments.

TapClicks Deep Dive

Product Specifications

  1. Dashboard Customization - Yes
  2. Visual Analytics - Yes
  3. Ad-hoc Reporting - Yes
  4. Predictive Analytics - No
  5. Real-time Updates - Yes
  6. Collaboration Features - Yes
  7. Data Source Connectors - Yes
  8. Automated Reporting - Yes
  9. Mobile Access - Yes
  10. Data Warehousing - No
  11. OLAP - No
  12. User Access Controls - Yes
  13. API for Custom Integration - Yes
  14. Email Integration - Yes
  15. CRM Integration - Yes
  16. Marketing Analytics - Yes
  17. Social Media Integration - Yes
  18. PPC Integration - Yes
  19. SEO Tools Integration - Yes
  20. Content Marketing Tools Integration - Yes
  21. E-commerce Integration - Yes
  22. Multi-Language Support - No
  23. Campaign Management - Yes
  24. ROI Tracking - Yes
  25. Compliance Management - No

TapClicks Feature Overview

  1. Dashboard Customization: Allows users to create and tailor dashboards to their specific needs, displaying the most relevant data for informed decision-making. The drag-and-drop interface simplifies complex data handling.
  2. Visual Analytics: Provides robust data visualization tools that help to interpret vast data sets through graphs and charts, making it easy to discern patterns and insights.
  3. Ad-hoc Reporting: Enables users to create reports on the fly, catering to sudden information requirements and in-depth analysis.
  4. Real-time Updates: Ensures that data on dashboards and reports reflect current conditions, allowing for timely actions and decisions.
  5. Collaboration Features: Marketing collaboration tools like shareable dashboards and reports, facilitating collective decision-making and strategy development.
  6. Data Source Connectors: Offers extensive data connector support, enabling users to pull custom data from numerous sources, streamlining the analytics process.
  7. Automated Reporting: Saves time and effort by automating the report generation process, which can be scheduled at regular intervals.
  8. Mobile Access: Provides a mobile app for accessing data and dashboards on the go, ensuring decision-makers stay informed no matter where they are.
  9. User Access Controls: Helps in maintaining data security by granting different access levels to users based on roles and responsibilities.
  10. API for Custom Integration: Allows for flexibility and extended functionality by enabling custom integrations with other tools and systems.

Standout Functionality

Unique aspects of TapClicks include:

  1. Marketing Analytics Specialization: TapClicks stands out with its strong marketing analytics tools, offering specialized integrations and features tailored to the needs of marketing professionals.
  2. Extensive Marketing Integration: Its vast array of integrations with marketing platforms, including social media, PPC, SEO, and e-commerce, is unmatched, offering a one-stop analytics solution for marketers.
  3. ROI Tracking: The software excels in tracking marketing ROI, with specific tools designed to correlate marketing efforts with outcomes, which is often not as focused in other BI tools.


TapClicks offers native integrations with a range of platforms, particularly in the marketing domain. These integrations include social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, advertising services like Google Ads and Bing Ads, CRM systems such as Salesforce, and many other tools such as Mailchimp for email marketing and Shopify for e-commerce.

TapClicks does offer an API that enables custom connections with other systems not natively supported. This API provides features such as data import/export, creation of custom dashboards, and automation of reporting processes.

To extend the platform's capabilities, TapClicks includes an array of add-ons through its marketplace, which includes advanced data analytics, custom visualizations, and additional integrations that are not part of the standard offering.

TapClicks Pricing

Pricing information for TapClicks is typically provided upon request and varies based on the features and scale required by the user. Compared to similar tools, TapClicks is considered to have a premium pricing model, reflecting its extensive features and specialized marketing analytics capabilities.

Users must consider additional costs such as potential fees for onboarding, training, and the activation of certain integrations or add-ons that are not part of the standard package.

TapClicks does not publicize a free tier for its services. All pricing tiers include a minimum seat requirement and sometimes a base fee, which varies depending on the complexity of the services provided.

Ease of Use

I find TapClicks to have a user-friendly interface overall, but it does come with a learning curve due to its extensive functionalities. The onboarding process is comprehensive, and the company provides resources for training.

Navigation is straightforward once familiar with the layout, but organizing complex data streams and utilizing advanced features require practice. Some users might find the initial setup and customization to be complex due to the sheer number of options available.

Customer Support

The quality of customer support TapClicks offers is high, with various channels available, including email, phone, and live chat. They also offer extensive resources like documentation, webinars, and tutorials. However, response times can sometimes be slower than desired during peak times, and some users find the depth of the support materials overwhelming when searching for quick solutions to simple problems.

TapClicks Use Case

Who would be a good fit for TapClicks?

When it comes to company size, a good fit for TapClicks includes mid-size to large marketing agencies and in-house marketing departments of larger corporations. The most loyal customers are those who value comprehensive marketing measurement tools and require robust reporting capabilities. Teams that need to integrate data from various marketing channels and require custom dashboards find TapClicks ideal.

Who would be a bad fit for TapClicks?

Companies with smaller teams or those that do not need the depth of marketing integrations and analytics provided by TapClicks might not find as much value. Those looking for a simple, plug-and-play solution may be overwhelmed by the extensive features and the need for a strategic approach to data analysis that TapClicks requires.

The worst context for using TapClicks would be small businesses or startups with limited resources that cannot leverage the full scale of TapClicks' capabilities. Disappointed customers often cite the complexity and cost as prohibitive factors for small enterprises. Environments where basic data tracking suffices, or industries not centered around digital and marketing analytics, will find TapClicks excessive for their needs.

TapClicks FAQs

What type of businesses benefit most from TapClicks?

TapClicks is best suited for mid-size to large marketing agencies, media companies, and large enterprises with extensive marketing operations.

Can TapClicks integrate with social media platforms?

Yes, TapClicks integrates with multiple social media platforms, including Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn for comprehensive social media analytics.

Does TapClicks have an API?

Yes, TapClicks offers an API for custom integrations and extended functionality.

Is there a setup fee for TapClicks?

Setup fees for TapClicks are not standard but can apply depending on the services and customization required.

Can I create custom reports with TapClicks?

Yes, TapClicks allows the creation of custom marketing reports to cater to specific analytics and reporting needs.

Is there a mobile app for TapClicks?

TapClicks offers a mobile app for both iOS and Android to monitor performance on the go.

How does TapClicks handle data security?

TapClicks follows industry-standard security practices to ensure that data is protected, therefore including compliance with relevant privacy regulations.

Is there training available for new TapClicks users?

Yes, as a matter of fact, TapClicks provides training through webinars, tutorials, and documentation to help new users get up to speed.

Alternatives to TapClicks

  • Tableau: A powerful tool for data visualization and business intelligence that excels in creating interactive and shareable dashboards. Tableau is particularly strong in its data visualization capabilities.
  • Microsoft Power BI: Known for its integration with other Microsoft products, making it a solid choice for those already embedded in the Microsoft ecosystem. Power BI offers robust data analytics and visualization tools.
  • Looker: Part of the Google Cloud Platform, Looker is a business intelligence software that offers unique data modeling capabilities. Looker stands out for its advanced data exploration options.

If you're still unsure which alternative to choose, check out other TapClicks business intelligence software alternatives.

TapClicks Company Overview & History

TapClicks, Inc. is a marketing technology company that specializes in analytics, reporting, and data visualization. The platform is widely used by marketing agencies, media companies, and large enterprises. Moreover, the company operates as a private entity with a suite of products designed to simplify marketing operations for businesses.

While specific notable employees and board members are not listed, TapClicks boasts a team with diverse experience in the marketing and technology sectors. The company's mission statement revolves around providing user-friendly marketing operations solutions that integrate data from multiple sources for comprehensive insights.

Since its inception, TapClicks has achieved several milestones, including substantial rounds of funding, acquisitions of related technology services, and continuous expansion of its integration ecosystem.


In conclusion, TapClicks stands out in the realm of business intelligence with its robust marketing focus, comprehensive integration options, and powerful analytics capabilities. It serves well for those who seek in-depth marketing data analysis and custom reporting.

For potential users who prioritize detailed marketing insights and manage multiple data streams, TapClicks is therefore a commendable option. However, smaller businesses or those with simpler needs may find the system complex and potentially cost-prohibitive.

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Stephanie Hood
By Stephanie Hood

Stephanie Hood is an experienced marketing professional and Editor of The CMO. With nearly a decade spent as Marketing Manager at Discover Holidays and Executive Editor at VIVA Lifestyle & Travel, she built her career leading editorial and marketing teams and strategies that turn six-figure budgets into seven-figure profits. She now enjoys connecting with the world's top executives to learn their secrets to business success, and shares those insights right here with her community of like-minded professionals. Curious what she’s uncovered? Be sure to sign up for The CMO newsletter.