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As someone with extensive experience in marketing technology, I'm here to provide a thorough ActiveCampaign review. This will include an analysis of its strengths and weaknesses, helping you determine if it's the right software for your needs. My focus is on delivering clear, unbiased information, drawing from my background in this field to give you an honest assessment of what ActiveCampaign can offer as an email marketing software.

ActiveCampaign review account overview dashboard interface
Here's the account overview dashboard in ActiveCampaign, which allows you to keep an eye on important business metrics.

ActiveCampaign Product Overview

ActiveCampaign is a marketing automation tool specializing in email marketing, CRM, and sales automation. Its target users are small to medium-sized businesses seeking advanced email marketing and automation features. The tool benefits users by streamlining marketing processes, enhancing customer engagement, and improving sales efficiency.

It addresses pain points such as complex customer segmentation, lead nurturing, and personalized communication. Its best features include a robust email editor, detailed segmentation capabilities, and powerful automation workflows.


  • Advanced Segmentation: Precision Targeting – ActiveCampaign allows users to segment their email list based on a wide range of criteria, enabling highly targeted marketing campaigns.
  • Email Automation: Efficient Follow-up – The platform provides sophisticated email marketing automation tools that facilitate timely and relevant follow-up with prospects and customers.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Ease of Use – Its intuitive drag-and-drop editor and user-friendly design make it easy for users to create professional emails and automation workflows.


  • Learning Curve: Complex Features – New users may find the depth of ActiveCampaign's features overwhelming, requiring significant time to learn.
  • CRM Limitations: Basic CRM Functionality – While offering marketing CRM capabilities, ActiveCampaign’s CRM functions are not as comprehensive as those of dedicated CRM platforms.
  • Deliverability Issues: Email Performance – Some users report challenges with email deliverability, which can impact the effectiveness of email campaigns.

Expert Opinion

As an expert in sales and marketing automation platforms, I find ActiveCampaign to be a strong contender, particularly for businesses that prioritize email marketing and automation. Its segmentation capabilities are top-notch, enabling precise targeting, and the email automation features stand out for their efficiency in nurturing leads and customer follow-up.

The drag-and-drop email editor is user-friendly, making it accessible to users with varying technical expertise. However, when comparing ActiveCampaign to other platforms, it's evident that its CRM capabilities, while useful, don't match the depth offered by specialized CRM solutions. Additionally, some users may encounter a learning curve with its advanced features, and there have been concerns regarding email deliverability.

Despite these drawbacks, ActiveCampaign excels in its core offerings of email marketing, automation, and personalization tools. It's particularly suited for small to medium-sized businesses focusing on personalized email marketing solutions to support sales and PR strategies. When selecting a platform, businesses should weigh these factors, determining the importance of advanced email capabilities against the potential need for more robust CRM functions and user learning time.

ActiveCampaign: A Deep Dive

Standout Functionality

  1. Advanced Automation Workflows: ActiveCampaign offers exceptionally detailed email marketing automation tools that surpass many competing platforms. These workflows allow for intricate, multi-step processes that can be customized extensively with conditions, actions, and triggers, making it particularly effective for complex email marketing and CRM strategies.
  2. Machine Learning for Email Optimization: The platform uses machine learning algorithms to optimize various aspects of email campaigns, such as the best times to send emails and predicting the likelihood of a contact engaging with a campaign. This feature is unique in its ability to enhance open rates and overall campaign effectiveness through intelligent predictions and adjustments.
  3. Site and Event Tracking for Personalized Campaigns: ActiveCampaign stands out with its site and event tracking functionality. This feature allows businesses to track user behavior on their website or app, and then use that data to create highly personalized email campaigns and automation sequences. This level of customization and personalization is more advanced than what is typically offered by other email marketing tools.

Product Specifications

Email MarketingYes
CRM IntegrationYes
Automation WorkflowsYes
Lead ScoringYes
Landing Page BuilderYes
Segmentation ToolsYes
A/B TestingYes
Social Media IntegrationYes
SMS MarketingYes
Analytics and ReportingYes
E-commerce IntegrationYes
Third-Party App IntegrationYes
Custom FieldsYes
Mobile AppYes
API AccessYes
Email TemplatesYes
Drag-and-Drop Email BuilderYes
Event TrackingYes
Multi-User AccountsYes
Subscription FormsYes
Dynamic ContentYes
Web PersonalizationYes
Drip CampaignsYes
Sales AutomationYes
User Permission LevelsYes

ActiveCampaign Key Features

  1. Email Marketing: ActiveCampaign's email marketing allows for unlimited email sends, standing out with its advanced email design capabilities that cater to both beginners and enterprise-level users.
  2. Automation Workflows: The platform's automation workflows are highly customizable, offering powerful automation features that go beyond standard email triggers, making complex sequences more manageable.
  3. CRM Integration: ActiveCampaign integrates seamlessly with various CRM systems, enhancing sales team efficiency by syncing customer data and interactions across platforms.
  4. Lead Scoring: Its lead scoring system uniquely combines user behavior and demographic information, aiding sales teams in prioritizing leads more effectively.
  5. Landing Page Builder: The landing page builder features an easy-to-use, drag-and-drop interface, standing out with its ability to create visually appealing pages without needing HTML knowledge.
  6. Segmentation Tools: ActiveCampaign offers advanced segmentation tools, allowing for detailed, dynamic contact segmentation based on a multitude of criteria, making it more powerful than many providers.
  7. SMS Marketing: The SMS marketing feature integrates seamlessly with email campaigns, providing a unique combination of contact strategies that enhance outreach efforts.
  8. Analytics and Reporting: Its email marketing analytics and reporting tools offer deep insights into campaign performance, distinguishing itself with detailed reports that help optimize subject lines and overall strategy.
  9. E-commerce Integration: ActiveCampaign’s e-commerce integration is particularly robust, offering unique features like purchase tracking and automated follow-up emails, which is ideal for businesses with an online retail component.
  10. Custom Fields: The custom fields feature allows for extensive personalization and data collection, standing out in how it enables users to tailor their database to their specific business needs.

Ease Of Use

In my evaluation of Active Campaign, I find the user interface reasonably intuitive, especially for those familiar with email marketing platforms. The onboarding process is comprehensive, offering tutorials and constant contact with support teams to guide new users. However, the complexity of ActiveCampaign’s automation features can be daunting for beginners, and navigating through the multitude of options and settings requires a learning curve.

Customer Support

Active Campaign provides strong customer support, with various channels like live chat, phone support, and a detailed knowledge base. They also offer webinars and tutorials which are particularly helpful. However, I notice that response times can vary, and some users may find delays in getting support for complex or specific issues, which can be a point of frustration, especially for businesses with time-sensitive needs.


Active Campaign offers a wide range of native integrations with various marketing software and other useful tools, enhancing its functionality and user experience. These integrations include popular CRM systems, e-commerce platforms, social media marketing tools, and more.

  • CRM Systems: Integrations with platforms like Salesforce and Microsoft Dynamics allow for seamless data transfer and synchronization between sales and marketing efforts.
  • E-commerce Platforms: Integration with e-commerce systems such as Shopify, WooCommerce, and BigCommerce enables automated marketing campaigns based on customer purchase behavior and preferences.
  • Social Media Tools: Integrations with social media platforms like Facebook help in syncing contact information and running targeted social media campaigns.
  • Webinar and Event Tools: Connection with platforms like Zoom and Eventbrite allows for streamlined event management and follow-up marketing campaigns.
  • Payment Processors: Integrating with payment systems like Stripe and PayPal facilitates tracking customer purchasing data and triggers related marketing actions.

Active Campaign also offers an API, allowing for custom integrations and data manipulation. Additional add-ons extend the platform's capabilities in areas like advanced reporting tools, additional automation functions, and enhanced email capabilities.

ActiveCampaign Pricing

  • Lite Plan: Priced at $9/user/month (billed annually), this plan is suited for small businesses or startups. It includes basic email marketing, automation, and a limited number of users. However, it lacks CRM and lead-scoring features.
  • Plus Plan: At $49/user/month (billed annually), this tier is ideal for growing businesses. It includes CRM, lead scoring, deep data integrations, and more advanced automation features. This plan often suits businesses needing more than basic email marketing.
  • Professional Plan: Priced at $129/user/month (billed annually), this plan targets larger businesses with more complex needs. It offers site messaging, attribution reporting, and advanced performance reporting, making it suitable for businesses looking for comprehensive marketing automation tools.
  • Enterprise Plan: For $229/user/month (billed annually), this is Active Campaign's most advanced plan. It includes custom reporting, a dedicated account representative, and in-depth training and onboarding, aimed at large enterprises with extensive marketing automation needs.

ActiveCampaign: Best Use Cases

Who Would Be A Good Fit For ActiveCampaign?

  • Small to medium-sized businesses seeking a balance between feature richness and affordability in email marketing and automation tools find Active Campaign particularly beneficial.
  • Businesses with a strong focus on email marketing, CRM, and sales automation are ideal users, as the tool excels in these areas.
  • Marketing teams that require advanced segmentation, detailed automation workflows, and CRM integration greatly appreciate Active Campaign’s capabilities.
  • Companies in the e-commerce, digital services, and online education sectors benefit significantly due to the tool’s strong integration with e-commerce platforms and its ability to personalize marketing efforts.
  • Teams that are tech-savvy and can navigate a learning curve make the most of Active Campaign’s advanced features.
  • Active Campaign’s most loyal customers are those who value detailed analytics and reporting to refine their marketing strategies continuously.

Who Would Be A Bad Fit For ActiveCampaign?

  • Large enterprises looking for extremely comprehensive CRM solutions might find Active Campaign limited compared to specialized CRM platforms.
  • Absolute beginners in digital marketing or those who prefer a more simplistic, plug-and-play solution might struggle with the platform’s complexity.
  • Businesses that require immediate, extensive customer support might find the varying response times challenging.
  • Companies with a very limited budget may find the cost prohibitive, especially at higher tiers with more advanced features.
  • Teams looking for a marketing platform with extensive social media management tools might find Active Campaign lacking in this specific area.

ActiveCampaign FAQs

Here are some answers to frequently asked questions you may have about ActiveCampaign

Can Active Campaign integrate with WordPress websites?

Yes, Active Campaign offers a seamless integration with WordPress, allowing users to connect their website with their marketing campaigns for enhanced automation and tracking.

Does Active Campaign offer a free plan?

No, Active Campaign does not offer a free plan. However, they provide various pricing tiers to accommodate different business sizes and needs.

How does the number of contacts affect pricing in Active Campaign?

The pricing in Active Campaign scales with the number of contacts. Higher pricing tiers allow for more contacts, with costs increasing as the contact list grows.

Is Active Campaign suitable for large-scale email marketing campaigns?

Yes, Active Campaign is well-suited for large-scale email marketing campaigns, offering advanced features and automation tools to handle extensive email lists and complex campaigns.

Can I automate sales processes using Active Campaign?

Yes, Active Campaign includes sales automation features, enabling businesses to automate follow-ups, lead scoring, and other sales-related activities.

Does Active Campaign provide A/B testing for emails?

Yes, Active Campaign offers A/B testing capabilities, allowing users to test different email versions to optimize open rates, click-through rates, and overall campaign effectiveness.

Can I integrate other applications with Active Campaign?

Yes, Active Campaign integrates with a wide range of applications, including CRM systems, e-commerce platforms, and tools like Zapier for extended functionality.

Is there phone support available for Active Campaign users?

Yes, phone support is available for Active Campaign users, particularly for higher-tier plans, offering direct assistance for technical or usage-related queries.

ActiveCampaign Company Overview & History

Active Campaign is a prominent provider of email marketing software, specializing in automation tools that cater to the needs of businesses of varying sizes. Its user base includes a diverse array of companies, from small startups to large enterprises, who leverage its capabilities for enhanced customer engagement and sales efficiency. As a private company, Active Campaign is owned by its founders and private investors.

Headquartered in Chicago, Illinois, the company is known for its commitment to helping businesses grow through effective customer experience automation. Its mission statement focuses on empowering businesses by automating their marketing, sales, and support processes. Since its inception, Active Campaign has achieved notable milestones, including significant user growth, expansion into new markets, and continuous enhancement of its software capabilities.

ActiveCampaign Summary: The Bottom Line

In my assessment, Active Campaign stands out in the realm of email marketing software, primarily for its sophisticated automation and segmentation tools. Unlike many other platforms, it offers a depth in automation workflows that can cater to highly specific marketing strategies. This capability allows for intricate, personalized communication with customers, a feature not as extensively developed in other tools.

The platform's user interface strikes a balance between functionality and user-friendliness, making complex tasks more manageable. Additionally, its CRM integration and lead-scoring features are particularly effective, providing businesses with a comprehensive view of their customer interactions.

Active Campaign's email marketing capabilities, especially its advanced segmentation and detailed analytics, set it apart as a robust tool for businesses looking to enhance their digital marketing efforts. The integration with e-commerce platforms further bolsters its appeal to online retailers. These features collectively make Active Campaign a notable choice in its field.

Alternatives to ActiveCampaign

  • Mailchimp: Often compared with Active Campaign for its user-friendly interface, Mailchimp is a great alternative for those new to email marketing or businesses that prefer a more straightforward, intuitive platform.
  • HubSpot: Frequently considered by those who need a more comprehensive inbound marketing suite, offering a blend of CRM, sales, and marketing tools, making it ideal for businesses looking for an all-in-one solution.
  • MailerLite: For businesses seeking a cost-effective yet efficient email marketing tool, MailerLite stands out with its affordability and simplicity, making it a suitable choice for small businesses or startups just beginning with email marketing.


Active Campaign distinguishes itself as a robust and feature-rich email marketing and automation platform, ideal for businesses seeking advanced segmentation and automation capabilities.

With its user-friendly interface and comprehensive CRM integration, it suits a range of users, from small businesses to larger enterprises looking to enhance their digital marketing strategies. While it may present a learning curve for beginners, its depth and functionality make it a worthwhile investment.

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Stephanie Hood
By Stephanie Hood

Stephanie Hood is an experienced marketing professional and Editor of The CMO. With nearly a decade spent as Marketing Manager at Discover Holidays and Executive Editor at VIVA Lifestyle & Travel, she built her career leading editorial and marketing teams and strategies that turn six-figure budgets into seven-figure profits. She now enjoys connecting with the world's top executives to learn their secrets to business success, and shares those insights right here with her community of like-minded professionals. Curious what she’s uncovered? Be sure to sign up for The CMO newsletter.