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With years of steering through the dynamic world of social media management solutions, I understand the value of robust software. In this review, I'll unpack Agorapulse for you, sharing insights gleaned from my extensive experience to help you judge if this tool fits your social media strategy. Trust me to cover every angle, ensuring you have the essential information to make an informed decision.

Agorapulse review showing the post scheduling view of the tool
Maximize reach with first-comment scheduling, streamline with bulk options, and auto-publish content including carousel posts with Agorapulse.

Agorapulse Product Overview

Agorapulse is a comprehensive social media management tool designed to streamline user engagement, content scheduling, and analytics across multiple platforms. It primarily serves social media managers and businesses seeking a centralized dashboard for their social media efforts.

The software brings efficiency to managing multiple social channels, simplifies customer interactions, and provides actionable insights into social media performance. It addresses the pain points of time-consuming manual posting, challenging interaction tracking, and scattered analytics. Its standout features include a unified social inbox, detailed reporting, and powerful marketing automation solutions.


  • Unified Inbox: The single-stream inbox consolidates messages and notifications, simplifying engagement.
  • Content Scheduling: Advanced scheduling options of social media posts allow for planning and consistency without manual oversight.
  • Insightful Analytics: Comprehensive reports provide clarity on content performance and audience engagement.


  • Learning Curve: Some users may find the array of features initially overwhelming, requiring time to adapt.
  • Integration Limit: There may be fewer third-party integrations compared to other platforms, potentially limiting some workflows.
  • Advanced Features Cost: The most powerful features are tied to higher pricing tiers, which might exclude smaller businesses or individuals.

Expert Opinion

As someone who's navigated numerous social media marketing tools, I find Agorapulse to stand out with its intuitive unified inbox and robust analytics. While it offers a rich feature set and solid functionality, newcomers might stumble upon a learning curve. It shines for medium to large businesses that value engagement and detailed performance metrics.

Comparatively, it may not always outdo competitors in integration variety, but its core functionalities are reliable. It’s best suited for environments where customer engagement and content analysis are at the heart of social media marketing strategies.

Agorapulse Review: The Bottom Line

Agorapulse sets itself apart with a user-friendly interface that streamlines conversation management across social networks. It offers businesses a unique combination of content scheduling, social listening tools, and engagement features, which are integrated into a single platform for a straightforward user experience.

The reporting tools are particularly robust, giving users deep insights into their social media performance. This makes Agorapulse a solid choice for businesses that are serious about social media efficiency and growth.

Agorapulse Deep Dive

Delving into this Agorapulse review, explore the robust features and functionalities that make this tool a standout choice for managing social media effectively.

Agorapulse social media report view
Glean insights from top-performing content, optimal posting times, and LinkedIn ROI with advanced, user-friendly social media reports using Agorapulse.

Product Specifications

  1. Unified Social Inbox - Yes
  2. Automated Publishing and Publishing Calendar- Yes
  3. Content Management - Yes
  4. Multi-Account Management - Yes
  5. Brand Tracking - Yes
  6. Keyword Tracking - Yes
  7. Analytics/Power Reports - Yes
  8. Campaign Management - Yes
  9. Customer Engagement - Yes
  10. Post Scheduling - Yes
  11. Multi-User Collaboration - Yes
  12. Social Media Monitoring - Yes
  13. Competitor Analysis - Yes
  14. Influencer Tracking - Yes
  15. Content Library - Yes
  16. Hashtag Monitoring - Yes
  17. Sentiment Analysis - Yes
  18. Crisis Management - Yes
  19. Social Media ROI Tracking - Yes
  20. Mobile Access - Yes
  21. Customizable Reports - Yes
  22. Social Media KPIs - Yes
  23. Community Management - Yes
  24. API Access - Yes
  25. Third-party Integrations - Yes

Feature Overview

Agorapulse’s 10 key features for effective social media management include:

  1. Unified Social Inbox: Centralizes all messages, comments, and mentions, enabling prompt and organized responses.
  2. Content Management: Organizes and stores content in a library, facilitating easy access and reuse.
  3. Automated Publishing: Schedule posts in advance across multiple platforms, ensuring consistent online presence.
  4. Analytics/Reporting: Offers in-depth insights into campaign performance, highlighting successful strategies and areas for improvement.
  5. Multi-User Collaboration: Allows teams to work together seamlessly, enhancing productivity and ensuring cohesive social media management.
  6. Social Media Monitoring: Keeps track of brand mentions and relevant conversations across the web, providing real-time engagement opportunities.
  7. Sentiment Analysis: Evaluates the tone of the audience's feedback, aiding in reputation management.
  8. Competitor Analysis: Monitors competitors' online activity, offering strategic insights.
  9. Mobile Access: Provides the flexibility to manage social media channels on the go through a mobile app.
  10. API Access: Enables customization and integration with other software, expanding functionality.

Standout Functionality

Unique aspects of Agorapulse compared to other best social media analytics tools:

  1. The unified inbox is exceptionally intuitive, allowing users to manage all social interactions in one place without platform toggling. Use Agorapulse if you need a simplified interface for your social media profiles.
  2. Agorapulse’s automated publishing feature stands out with its user-friendly interface for marketing planning and executing a content strategy across various channels through its helpful content calendar to schedule content.
  3. The sentiment analysis tool not only detects the mood behind messages but also helps in categorizing them for more targeted responses.


Agorapulse offers native integrations with major social platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, TikTok, and YouTube, allowing for streamlined management. The API enables further customization and integration, broadening its capabilities. Add-ons for enhanced analytics and CRM can be connected to extend Agorapulse’s core functionalities.


Agorapulse pricing tiers cater to different user needs and sizes:

  1. Standard Plan - $49/month: Ideal for small teams, providing core features of Agorapulse like inbox, publishing, and reporting.
  2. Professional Plan - $79/month: Designed for growing businesses, with advanced features like ad comments monitoring.
  3. Advanced Plus Plan - $119/month: All features of Advanced, plus more powerful functions that bigger businesses would enjoy.
  4. Custom Plan - Pricing upon request: Customizable solutions for large organizations requiring comprehensive control and support. (billed annually)

The pricing can be considered mid-range, offering a good balance between cost and features compared to competitors.

Ease of Use

The user interface of Agorapulse is clean and intuitive, facilitating a smooth onboarding process. The dashboard is well-organized, though some advanced features may require a learning period. Navigation is straightforward, which is conducive to quick adoption by new users.

Customer Support

Agorapulse provides a commendable level of customer support with prompt response times and a variety of channels, including live chat and tutorials, that save you lots of time. However, some users may find the depth of resources somewhat lacking, particularly for complex issues.

Agorapulse Use Case

Who would be a good fit for Agorapulse?

Agorapulse is a good match for medium to large businesses with team members who prioritize engagement and detailed analytics. Its loyal users are often teams who appreciate the unified inbox and comprehensive reporting features.

Who would be a bad fit for Agorapulse?

Agorapulse might not be ideal for individual users or small businesses that find the advanced features unnecessary and the cost prohibitive. Teams that require extensive third-party integrations may also find it limiting.

Agorapulse FAQs

Can Agorapulse manage multiple social media accounts?

Yes, it allows management of multiple accounts across various social media platforms.

Does Agorapulse provide content scheduling?

Yes, it offers advanced content scheduling options.

Can I track my brand's performance with Agorapulse?

Yes, Agorapulse provides brand and keyword tracking capabilities.

Is there a mobile app for Agorapulse?

Yes, Agorapulse is accessible via a mobile app.

Does Agorapulse offer API access?

Yes, they provide API access for customization and integration.

Can I monitor my competitors with Agorapulse?

Yes, competitor analysis is one of the features offered.

Are there any additional costs with Agorapulse?

Some advanced features and add-ons may incur additional costs.

Does Agorapulse offer a free trial?

Yes, they offer a free trial to test out the features.

Alternatives to Agorapulse

  • Hootsuite: Known for its robust platform and wide range of integrations, Hootsuite is better for those requiring extensive app integrations.
  • Buffer: Offers a more streamlined and user-friendly interface for scheduling and analytics, making it better for beginners.
  • Sprout Social: Stands out with its CRM features and detailed analytics, ideal for businesses focusing on customer relationships.

Agorapulse Company Overview & History

Agorapulse is a social media management software company that serves a variety of companies, from small businesses to large enterprises. It is a private company owned by its founders. The headquarters is located in Paris, France. Notable figures include CEO and co-founder Emeric Ernoult.

The company’s mission is to help businesses turn social media conversations into meaningful relationships. Agorapulse has marked significant growth milestones, including expanding its user base and product offerings since its inception in 2011.


Overall, Agorapulse is a solid choice for those looking for a comprehensive social media management tool with a focus on unified messaging, detailed analytics, and efficient team collaboration. Its mid-range pricing and robust features offer a balanced option for medium to large businesses. Users are invited to share their experiences and insights regarding the platform.

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Stephanie Hood
By Stephanie Hood

Stephanie Hood is an experienced marketing professional and Editor of The CMO. With nearly a decade spent as Marketing Manager at Discover Holidays and Executive Editor at VIVA Lifestyle & Travel, she built her career leading editorial and marketing teams and strategies that turn six-figure budgets into seven-figure profits. She now enjoys connecting with the world's top executives to learn their secrets to business success, and shares those insights right here with her community of like-minded professionals. Curious what she’s uncovered? Be sure to sign up for The CMO newsletter.