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With years of navigating through various sales and marketing management software, I've developed a keen eye for what works and what doesn't. I'm here to walk you through an in-depth review of Outfunnel—a software that's been on the radar of many professionals looking to streamline their processes.

Outfunnel review showing the app connector feature
Seamlessly connect different applications to synchronize contacts and log every marketing interaction directly in your CRM system with the Outfunnel platform.

Outfunnel Product Overview

Outfunnel serves to connect your sales and marketing data, aligning it neatly across your CRM and email campaigns. It's tailored for small to medium-sized businesses looking for efficient marketing software to nurture leads and manage customer data.

The benefit of using Outfunnel lies in its ability to simplify lead management and enhance communication between sales and marketing teams. It directly addresses the common disconnect between these departments, ensuring that valuable insights are shared and actionable. Among its top features are automated lead scoring, seamless CRM integration, and insightful analytics.


  • Lead Scoring: Outfunnel offers robust lead scoring capabilities, allowing users to prioritize leads based on marketing engagement data and potential value.
  • CRM Synchronization: The platform provides deep CRM integration, ensuring sales teams have access to the most relevant and up-to-date marketing data.
  • Analytics Insight: With Outfunnel, businesses gain clear insights through comprehensive analytics, helping to shape future marketing strategies.


  • Limited Customization: Some users find the customization options for campaigns and forms to be limited, which could stifle creative marketing efforts.
  • Feature Depth: While Outfunnel covers the basics, it may lack the depth of features needed for more complex marketing strategies.
  • Learning Curve: New users may face a learning curve with Outfunnel’s interface, potentially slowing down initial adoption and setup.

Expert Opinion

From my perspective, Outfunnel presents itself as a competent contender in the sales and marketing workflow arena. When examining features, functionality, and user support, it stands out for its straightforward approach to syncing sales and marketing efforts. However, compared to other platforms, it might not offer the same level of advanced features, which can be a drawback for more intricate campaigns.

On the other hand, its integration and analytics are top-notch, providing clear value for users looking for these specific capabilities. Outfunnel would best suit businesses that need a solid foundation for their sales and marketing alignment without the complexity of larger systems.

Outfunnel: The Bottom Line

What sets Outfunnel apart is its dedicated focus on bridging the gap between sales and marketing. Unlike other tools that might offer an overwhelming array of features, Outfunnel brings forth a streamlined approach, making sure the core elements of lead scoring, CRM integration, and analytics are not only present but finely tuned.

Its ability to provide meaningful analytics is especially commendable, offering users actionable insights that are often buried in more cumbersome platforms. For those seeking clarity and focus in their sales and marketing efforts, Outfunnel’s offering is noteworthy.

Outfunnel Deep Dive

This deep dive dissects and analyzes the tool's features, benefits, and potential drawbacks. Explore how it aims to align sales and marketing efforts to offer insights into the effectiveness of your marketing on sales results.

web tracking view for Outfunnel software
Track website visitor behavior to gain insights into lead activities on your site using the web tracking feature of Outfunnel.

Product Specifications

  1. Email Marketing Automation - Yes
  2. CRM Integration - Yes
  3. Lead Scoring - Yes
  4. Web Activity Tracking - Yes
  5. Campaign Management - Yes
  6. Segmentation - Yes
  7. Reporting and Analytics - Yes
  8. Lead Nurturing - Yes
  9. Multi-channel Marketing - No
  10. Event Tracking - Yes
  11. Form Capture - Yes
  12. Landing Pages - No
  13. Social Media Management - No
  14. A/B Testing - No
  15. Mobile Marketing - No
  16. Search Marketing - No
  17. Marketing ROI Analytics - Yes
  18. Sales Intelligence - Yes
  19. Email Campaigns - Yes
  20. Website Visitor Identification - Yes
  21. Third-party Integrations - Yes
  22. API Access - Yes
  23. User, Role, and Access Management - Yes
  24. Customizable Templates - Yes
  25. Subscription Management - Yes

Feature Overview

  1. CRM Integration: Outfunnel seamlessly connects with CRMs to unify sales and marketing data, ensuring that sales has insight into marketing interactions.
  2. Email Marketing Automation: Enables the creation and tracking of email campaigns directly tied to CRM contacts, automating follow-ups based on customer behavior.
  3. Lead Scoring: Allows scoring leads based on web activity and email engagement, prioritizing leads that are more likely to convert.
  4. Web Activity Tracking: Provides insights into which pages a lead has visited, helping tailor the sales approach to the prospect’s interests.
  5. Campaign Management: Manages marketing campaigns across different channels from one place, although it is more focused on email campaigns.
  6. Segmentation: Offers dynamic segmentation based on contact data and behavior, ensuring that the right messages reach the right audience.
  7. Reporting and Analytics: Generates detailed reports on campaign performance, enabling data-driven decisions to improve marketing strategies.
  8. Lead Nurturing: With automated workflows, Outfunnel helps in nurturing leads through the sales funnel until they are sales-ready.
  9. Sales Intelligence: Provides actionable insights into prospects’ readiness to buy, making it easier for sales to close deals.
  10. API Access: Offers an API for custom integrations, enabling businesses to tailor the software to their specific needs.

Standout Functionality

Outfunnel's unique proposition lies in its deep integration with CRMs, particularly those that do not traditionally offer robust marketing automation tools, like Pipedrive. Its focused approach on B2B marketing through CRM activity makes it a niche yet powerful marketing tool.

  1. Deep CRM Integration: The platform's ability to record and score every customer interaction in the CRM is more profound than typical automation tools, which often require manual syncing.
  2. Web Visitor Tracking Linked to CRM: Outfunnel's capability to track web visits and directly link this data to existing CRM contacts is a differentiated feature that is not always available in similar platforms.
  3. Email Campaigns Triggered by CRM Data: The ability to trigger email campaigns based on specific CRM data changes or events sets Outfunnel apart, providing real-time marketing actions based on sales funnel stages.


Outfunnel offers native integrations with popular CRMs like Pipedrive, Copper, and Airtable, which can be leveraged for automated marketing and sales activities. For instance, Pipedrive integration allows for triggering campaigns based on deal stages.

The API provided by Outfunnel enables the creation of custom integrations for businesses with unique systems, expanding the platform's flexibility.

Add-ons and extensions are not typically required due to Outfunnel's robust set of native features and integrations.


Pricing for Outfunnel is competitive when compared to other tools, often falling in the mid-range. It offers a clear value proposition based on the depth of CRM integration and marketing automation capabilities.

  1. Basic plan: This plan is suitable for small businesses with basic marketing automation needs, priced at "$29/user/month" with essential features like email automation and CRM integration.
  2. Professional plan: Aimed at growing businesses, this plan offers advanced features and is priced at "$119/user/month," providing more sophisticated automation and reporting options.
  3. Scale plan: This plan caters to larger organizations requiring extensive integration and is typically custom-priced.

Each plan offers a greater level of feature complexity and support, with higher tiers providing more advanced automation and analytics capabilities. Additional costs could include increased limits on contacts or emails.

Ease of Use

I find Outfunnel to be intuitive, particularly in its core offerings around CRM integrations and email automation. The onboarding process is straightforward, and navigation within the tool is well-organized. However, those new to CRM or marketing automation may face a learning curve.

Customer Support

Outfunnel provides reliable customer support, with good response times via email. Documentation and webinars are helpful, though there might be frustration for users needing immediate assistance as live chat or phone support can be limited.

Outfunnel Use Case

Who would be a good fit for Outfunnel?

The marketing planning tool is purpose-built for small to mid-sized businesses and startups looking to streamline their sales and marketing processes. Its loyal customers often appreciate the tight CRM integrations that enhance B2B marketing campaigns.

Outfunnel suits industries where nurturing leads through long sales cycles is standard, and companies with a dedicated sales team stand to benefit the most.

Who would be a bad fit for Outfunnel?

Large enterprises with complex, multi-channel marketing campaigns or need extensive social media management for their marketing software might not be the best fit due to its more focused feature set.

Businesses that require in-depth A/B testing or advanced lead management across numerous marketing apps might find Outfunnel limiting.

Outfunnel FAQs

Does Outfunnel have a limit on the number of emails sent?

Outfunnel has different sending limits based on the plan you choose.

Is Outfunnel GDPR compliant?

Yes, Outfunnel has features to help users comply with GDPR regulations.

Can Outfunnel handle multi-language campaigns?

Outfunnel supports email campaigns in various languages, but you'll need to manage translations manually.

How quickly can I set up Outfunnel?

Setting up Outfunnel is generally quick, often requiring just a few hours to integrate with your CRM and start running campaigns.

Does Outfunnel offer lead-generation tools?

While Outfunnel excels in lead nurturing, it doesn’t offer lead generation tools like web pop-ups or social ad management.

Can I use Outfunnel for B2C marketing?

Outfunnel is primarily designed for B2B, but some B2C companies might find its features useful for their marketing strategies.

How does Outfunnel ensure email deliverability?

Outfunnel follows best practices for email deliverability, including authentication, monitoring blacklists, and managing bounce rates.

Does Outfunnel support SMS marketing?

No, Outfunnel does not currently support SMS marketing.

Alternatives to Outfunnel

  • HubSpot: HubSpot CRM is a more robust all-in-one platform suitable for businesses needing a comprehensive suite of tools, including social media and content management.
  • Mailchimp: Better for businesses that prioritize email marketing and are looking for more creative control with advanced design and A/B testing capabilities.
  • Marketo: A good fit for larger enterprises needing a highly scalable platform with extensive multi-channel campaign management and lead lifecycle management.

Outfunnel Company Overview & History

Outfunnel is a marketing automation tool designed to closely integrate with CRMs, helping businesses align their sales and marketing efforts. Various SMBs across industries utilize it, especially those in the B2B sector.

It is a private company, and details on ownership may not be publicly disclosed. Headquartered in Tallinn, Estonia, the company hasn't listed notable employees or board members publicly.

Outfunnel’s mission is to make sales and marketing work in harmony. The company has reached notable milestones such as robust CRM integrations and has carved out a niche in the automation space for SMBs.


In summary, Outfunnel offers a focused set of features designed to streamline the sales and marketing workflows of small to mid-sized businesses, especially those with a B2B focus. The ease of integration with CRMs, particularly for those that lack native marketing automation capabilities, makes it a noteworthy option. If you're considering Outfunnel or have experience using it, I invite you to comment and share your thoughts.

Stephanie Hood
By Stephanie Hood

Stephanie Hood is an experienced marketing professional and Editor of The CMO. With nearly a decade spent as Marketing Manager at Discover Holidays and Executive Editor at VIVA Lifestyle & Travel, she built her career leading editorial and marketing teams and strategies that turn six-figure budgets into seven-figure profits. She now enjoys connecting with the world's top executives to learn their secrets to business success, and shares those insights right here with her community of like-minded professionals. Curious what she’s uncovered? Be sure to sign up for The CMO newsletter.