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How many social media roles are published every day? The eye test says a ton.

And the train isn’t stopping anytime soon. LinkedIn reports the social media manager role as the most in-demand occupation by volume of job postings. Here’s how to build a social media team without getting sucked into the melee. 

5 Must-Have Roles on Your Social Media Team

As SaaS companies invest in social media, understanding the core roles within a social media team is essential. One human with “ninja-like social media skills” is not the answer. Here are the must-have roles for your new social media team:

Social Media Manager

The ideal social media manager should be a team member familiar with the company and its brand. This role involves comprehensive responsibilities related to the company's brand, product, and team management.

Key responsibilities:

  • Develops and oversees the social media strategy, creates the social media marketing plan, and establishes goals and deadlines.
  • Cultivates brand and product awareness by building a positive online reputation.
  • Generates and promotes content and campaigns (may include content creation or coordination with a content creation team).
  • Drives lead generation and conversions through social media efforts.
  • Ensures the proper functioning of the social media team.
  • Maintains communication with key stakeholders, including clients (for agencies), other marketing departments, other company departments, and might represent the company at social media conferences.

Soft skills:

  • Creativity, copywriting, and a keen eye for design.
  • Team player with strong leadership skills to guide the social media team in alignment with the company culture.
  • Excellent presentation and public speaking skills for representing the company to external stakeholders.

Hard skills:

  • In-depth industry knowledge with a strong network.
  • Proficiency in digital expertise, staying updated on the latest social media trends.
  • Familiarity with social media management tools, SEO, and client service.

Experience: 3-5 years

Salary Range in the US: $44,000 – $103,000 per year.

Content Creator

Creating diverse and engaging content is at the heart of social media success. Content creators generate various types of social media content, including written, visual, and multimedia, tailored to the platform and audience.

Content is the primary asset for social media. You also need someone to curate the content. This includes staying abreast of industry news, influencers, books, and anything that captivates your audience's interest. 

Key responsibilities:

  • Stay informed about industry news.
  • Create both micro and macro content.
  • Share and publish content across all social media platforms.
  • Maintain an up-to-date social media content calendar.
  • Collaborate with the designer.
  • Bring new perspectives and ideas.

Key skills:

  • Strong copywriting skills.
  • Proficient in managing social media platforms and at least one content management system.
  • Familiarity with SEO basics.
  • Excellent time management skills.
  • Research skills.

Experience: 1-3 years

Salary Range in the US: $37,000 – $80,000 per year.

Social Media Analyst

The social media analyst is crucial in translating social media metrics into actionable insights. They track key performance indicators (KPIs), analyze user behavior, and provide recommendations to optimize the business strategy.

These individuals approach social media through the lens of business goals. Their primary objective is to offer the team valuable directions and insights, making it imperative to find someone enthusiastic about numbers and with a good grasp of business and social media.

Key responsibilities:

  • Investigate industry trends, tools, and social media platforms.
  • Ensure the brand attains social media goals - awareness, sales, and more.
  • For new businesses, help define the target audience.
  • Provide timely social media reports as required.

Key skills:

  • Strong analytical skills.
  • Profound knowledge of various social media platforms.
  • Acumen in social sciences.
  • Familiarity with social media management tools

Experience: 1-3 years

Salary Range in the US: $41,000 – $77,000 per year.

Community Manager

The community manager is the liaison between your brand and the audience. This individual is responsible for fostering engagement on your brand's social media platforms and across various online spaces where customers mention your brand. Wherever your brand surfaces, the community manager should be present to address inquiries, express gratitude to customers, and more.

In some instances, the community manager may opt to create a personal profile to interact with the audience on behalf of your brand. The decision to adopt this approach depends on your brand's profile and preferences.

Key responsibilities:

  • Engage in conversations wherever customers mention the brand or comment on your brand's pages.
  • Manage brand advocates and other enthusiasts.
  • Cultivate a relationship between the brand and the audience.
  • If using a personal profile, work on enhancing brand visibility as required.

Key skills:

  • Strong copywriting skills.
  • Acquire in-depth knowledge about the brand and key employees.
  • Ability to craft engaging and humorous content.

Experience: 1-3 years

Salary Range in the US: $40,000 – $78,000 per year.

Graphic Designer

Content creators can also generate visual content. However, haphazardly crafted images won't yield favorable results. That's why having a graphic designer with a discerning eye for visual details and proficiency in at least one design tool is essential.

The rise of video content has meant graphic designers are assuming a significant role in your social media team. Yet, images, logos, and illustrations constitute a substantial part of a graphic designer's daily responsibilities.

Key responsibilities:

  • Align work with specified requirements.
  • Collaborate with the content creator and engage with other team members and stakeholders.
  • Develop images, videos, animations, illustrations, logos, and other visual materials.

Key skills:

  • Proficiency in design tools and software (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, etc.).
  • Strong communication skills.
  • Meticulous attention to detail.

Experience: 1-3 years

Salary Range in the US: $34,000 – $69,000 per year.

Your Extended Social Media Team

Strategic investments in specialized roles can significantly amplify brand reach and engagement for well-funded social media teams aiming for expansive goals. 

  • Social media and content strategists can be highly beneficial to have on your team as they work with the marketing manager to align content strategy with the overall marketing campaign. 
  • A content distribution specialist optimizes content reach, allowing the core team to focus on high-quality creation. 
  • Division of the content creator role into video (to focus on TikTok or Reels) and copywriting specialists cater to diverse audience preferences, maximizing impact.
  • Brand ambassadors, aligned with the brand's values, inject authenticity and expand brand reach. 
  • Creative directors ensure a cohesive visual narrative, leaving a lasting impression. 
  • Coordination by digital project managers streamlines operations, enhancing collaboration. 
  • A dedicated social media influencer manager maximizes influencer collaborations' impact, navigating this dynamic field effectively. 

All of these are available if you have a big budget and want to invest in your social strategy!

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Skills and Competencies to Look Out for when Hiring for Each Role

Building an effective social media team requires individuals with specific skill sets and competencies. When hiring for each role, consider the following:

Strategic Thinking

Social media managers and team members must demonstrate strategic thinking skills that directly impact their approach to tasks, aligning social media efforts seamlessly with broader marketing goals. 

This proficiency allows them to analyze trends, identify opportunities, and craft campaigns that enhance online presence and contribute strategically to the overall marketing strategy.

It ensures a nuanced understanding of target audiences, optimal content delivery, and the ability to adapt to evolving market dynamics, making the social media role a pivotal component of the larger marketing strategy.

Every move contributes to your company's growth trajectory, so strategic thinking is not just a skill; it's a necessity. Social media professionals should see beyond individual posts and campaigns to understand how each action contributes to the company's objectives. 

Creativity and Innovation

Social media professionals must embody creativity and innovation to craft content that captures attention in a saturated digital space and strategically differentiates the brand. 

Creativity extends beyond aesthetics, encompassing the art of constructing compelling narratives that resonate with a discerning audience. Meanwhile, innovation involves more than visual appeal; it demands the capacity to devise inventive approaches for conveying intricate ideas and setting the brand apart in a noisy social landscape. 

Analytical Skills

Proficiency in statistical analysis, data interpretation, and trend recognition are essential. Analytical skills empower social media professionals to identify patterns in user behavior, measure campaign effectiveness, and guide strategic decision-making.

In the quest for analysts, CMOs should target individuals with a demonstrated track record in translating intricate data sets into precise, actionable recommendations. 

This skill set enhances the strategic decision-making process and plays a pivotal role in the team's overarching success, ensuring that every initiative contributes tangibly to achieving specific goals.

Communication Skills

Effective communication lies at the heart of successful social media endeavors, particularly for Community Managers and team members engaging directly with the audience. Beyond basic messaging, communication skills involve tailoring the brand message to resonate with the target demographic. 

Additionally, team-wide communication ensures cohesion in strategy implementation. CMOs and marketing leaders should prioritize candidates with strong written and verbal communication skills, capable of consistently articulating the brand's voice across diverse social platforms.

Time Management and Prioritization

Mastering time management and prioritization skills is crucial for social media team members who navigate many responsibilities, including content creation, engagement monitoring, channel management, and concurrently handling campaigns, often under tight deadlines. 

While timeliness is essential to keep content relevant, the broader picture includes managing social media as a branding and customer service channel.

Effective time management ensures content remains timely, relevant, and aligned with broader marketing objectives. Look for candidates who can efficiently allocate their time, balancing the urgency of real-time engagement with the strategic foresight necessary for long-term success.

Adaptability and Flexibility

Social media team members must exhibit high adaptability and flexibility to stay ahead, particularly in response to critical elements such as emerging trends and algorithm changes. There are a ton of resources for marketers looking to keep abreast of all the changes.

This entails swiftly adjusting strategies, embracing new features on social platforms, and adopting innovative approaches to capitalize on trends.

Team members who demonstrate a proactive approach to learning and adapting in this dynamic landscape are ideal. They play a crucial role in ensuring that the social media strategy remains responsive and anticipatory, effectively navigating the ever-evolving digital environment influenced by trends and algorithmic shifts.

The Tools Your Social Media Team Needs

The right tools and technologies can make all the difference between a thriving, engaged audience and a digital presence lost in the noise.

Social Media Management Platforms

At the core of an effective social media strategy is managing multiple platforms seamlessly. Social Media Management Platforms (SMMPs) are the linchpin of this endeavor. From scheduling posts to monitoring analytics, these platforms centralize control, saving time and ensuring channel consistency. Some popular platforms include:

  • HubSpot - Best social media management software for community building
  • HootSuite - Best for social media marketing agencies
  • Zoho Social - Best social media management software for remote teams
  • Sprout Social - Best for identifying emerging social media trends

Content Creation Software

Content is the lifeblood of social media platforms, and equipping your team with robust content creation tools is non-negotiable. Content creation software empowers your team to produce diverse and compelling content, from captivating visuals to engaging multimedia. Some popular content creation software include:

Audience Research Tools

Understanding your audience is the cornerstone of an effective social media strategy. Audience research tools provide invaluable insights into your target audience's preferences, behaviors, and demographics. 

Tailoring your content to resonate with their interests ensures a more profound and lasting impact. Tools such as Sprout Social or Brandwatch help delve into the intricacies of your audience.

Competitive Analysis Tools

Competitive analysis tools grant you a window into your competitors' strategies, allowing you to identify gaps and opportunities for differentiation. 

Tools like SEMrush and Socialbakers can be instrumental in shaping your social media strategy by learning from the successes and shortcomings of others.

Survey and Feedback Tools

Direct feedback from your audience is gold. Survey and feedback tools enable you to gather insights that refine your strategy and align your content with audience preferences. 

Platforms like SurveyMonkey and Typeform facilitate the creation of engaging surveys, helping you stay attuned to your audience's evolving needs and expectations.

Analytics Tools

Comprehensive analytics are the compass guiding your social media ship. Analytics tools provide real-time data on performance metrics, allowing for informed decision-making. 

Platforms such as Google Analytics or native social media analytics offer many insights, from engagement rates to user behavior. This data-driven approach is essential for continuous optimization and growth.

How to Measure Success

Measuring the success of social media efforts requires a multifaceted approach, focusing on key performance indicators (KPIs), return on investment (ROI), and customer engagement metrics.

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Identify and track the following KPIs:

  • Organic traffic indicates the reach and visibility of your content.
  • Engagement measures interactions, comments, and shares. It reflects the level of audience involvement and interest in your content.
  • Clicks track the number of clicks on your content. It indicates interest in your product or service and the effectiveness of your call to action.
  • Conversions monitor the conversion rate. It provides insights into the direct impact of your social media efforts on desired actions.

Return on Investment (ROI)

Calculate the ROI of your social media campaigns by analyzing the revenue generated against the costs incurred. The industry average in Saas is 31% for PPC and 702% for SEO

Keep those in mind when setting goals! This helps justify your investment in social media marketing.

Customer Engagement Metrics

Evaluate the following engagement metrics:

  • Comments measure the number and quality of comments. It indicates direct interaction and feedback from the audience.
  • Shares track content shares. It reflects the content's resonance and ability to extend reach through audience advocacy.
  • Likes tracks the number of likes. It’s an indicator of content popularity and audience appreciation.

Higher values for these metrics suggest a more active and engaged audience, contributing to the overall success of your social media strategy.

Challenges Of Hiring A Social Media Team [+ Solutions]

Building and managing a social media team comes with its own set of challenges. Understanding and addressing these challenges is crucial for sustained success.

Resource Allocation

Allocating resources in social media management is challenging due to the dynamic nature of online platforms. Constantly evolving trends, varying audience behaviors, and the need for real-time responsiveness make it challenging to predict and allocate resources effectively, requiring frequent assessments and adjustments to meet performance goals.

To tackle this, conduct routine audits of your social media strategy. These audits serve as valuable checkpoints, enabling you to assess the performance of your initiatives against predefined goals. Regular audits optimize resource allocation and foster adaptability, allowing your social media strategy to evolve in response to changing trends and goals.

Maintaining Consistency

Consistency in social media is vital for brand recognition, professionalism, and audience engagement. A consistent online presence builds trust and loyalty, making it easier for users to recognize and remember your brand. 

Algorithms also favor regular posting, potentially increasing visibility and reach. To guarantee consistency, create a social media calendar and stick to it. One other option is to set KPIs focused on content output.  

Tying Activities to Revenue and Pipeline

Measuring the impact of social media efforts on revenue poses a unique challenge. To overcome this, try implementing robust tracking mechanisms. Tools like Google Analytics allow you to attribute conversions and revenue to specific social media campaigns directly.

This data-driven approach not only enhances strategic decision-making but also provides tangible evidence of the positive impact of your social media efforts on the bottom line.

Frequently Asked Questions: Enhance Your Strategy

How do you manage a remote social media team?

Managing a remote social media team requires a combination of robust communication tools, social media project management platforms, and fostering a culture of transparency. Utilize collaboration tools like Slack or Microsoft Teams for real-time communication, project management platforms such as Asana or Trello to streamline workflows, and conduct regular virtual meetings to ensure alignment on strategy.

What are some advanced analytics tools for SaaS?

For SaaS, advanced analytics tools are paramount for extracting actionable insights. Tools like Mixpanel, Kissmetrics, and Heap Analytics offer sophisticated analytics capabilities, enabling in-depth user behavior analysis, funnel tracking, and precise conversion attribution. Here’s our comprehensive list of advanced social media analytics tools.

How can AI be integrated into social media strategies?

AI integration revolutionizes social media strategies by automating routine tasks, personalizing content, and enhancing customer interactions. Implement AI-powered chatbots for instant customer engagement, use predictive analytics to anticipate trends, and leverage AI tools like Hootsuite for intelligent social media management.

You’re Ready To Go!  

Everyone has a social media account, and marketing leaders should take advantage! Adding social media jobs to your company guarantees you’ll expand your reach, and following our social media marketing tips for small businesses or enterprises ensures you'll find success, whatever stage you're at.

Feeling nerdy? Explore our social media trends guide to stay ahead and make informed hiring choices. As the digital landscape evolves, leveraging these insights will be instrumental in successfully navigating the complexities of social media marketing.

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Melissa Glazar

Melissa specializes in growth marketing and digital marketing. With experience at small to medium sized companies, she has driven social media growth, optimized a sales funnel to work with overall company marketing efforts, and seen enough KPIs to make your head spin. She’s excited to bring her knowledge to you, and knows you’ll find it valuable!