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Martech is a constantly changing field. And keeping tabs on the new tools, tactics, and wider ecosystem developments can be a challenge.

Martech podcasts are one way to solve this conundrum. The below list of 13 martech podcasts will elevate your understanding and skill level.

But you'll have to commit to listening to them. We've added their standout episode if that helps you get over the line.

13 Best MarTech Podcasts

Here you go:

  1. Show Me Your Tech Stack by Erik Christiansen
  2. RevOps FM by Justin Norris
  3. AdExchanger Talks by Zach Rogers
  4. The Martech Podcast: Data Makes the Difference by Kim Davis
  5. Indie Marketers Podcast by Mike MacFarlane
  6. Ops Cast by Michael Hartmann, Mike Rizzo & Naomi Liu
  7. Ragnarokast by Steven Aldrich and Spencer Barrett
  8. MarTech Podcast by I Hear Everything
  9. Making Sense of MarTech by Juan Mendoza
  10. Humans of Martech by Jon Taylor and Phil Gamache
  11. ZigZagging into Marketing Technology by Faylene Bell
  12. Marketing Technology Podcast by Marketing Guys
  13. The Gartner Marketing & Communications Podcast by Gartner

Best MarTech Podcasts Overview

1. Show Me Your Tech Stack by Erik Christiansen

Show Me Your Tech Stack, martech podcast


Show Me Your Tech Stack, hosted by Erik Christiansen, goes deep into the world of MarTech, exploring the various technologies marketing professionals use to drive success. The podcast features interviews with industry leaders who share their experiences and insights on building and optimizing tech stacks.

What you'll learn:

Strategies for selecting, integrating, and using technology in marketing to maximize efficiency and results.

Why you should listen:

Essential for marketing professionals who want to stay ahead in the rapidly evolving MarTech landscape and learn from the experiences of industry leaders.

Standout episode:

The State of MarTech, Partnerships, and SMYTS Host Handoff” - The episode delves into the significance of partnerships in the MarTech landscape and marks a notable host transition, offering fresh perspectives and expert insights on evolving MarTech trends and strategies.

Links to listen:

About the host:

Erik Christiansen is a MarTech enthusiast and expert with a deep understanding of how technology can enhance marketing strategies. His insights help demystify complex tech concepts, making them accessible to a broad audience.

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2. RevOps FM by Justin Norris

RevOps FM, martech podcast


RevOps FM, hosted by Justin Norris, is a podcast dedicated to the burgeoning field of Revenue Operations (RevOps). It offers insights into how companies can align their marketing, sales, and service departments to drive growth efficiently and sustainably.

What you'll learn:

In-depth understanding of RevOps principles, strategies for alignment across departments, and tactics for operational efficiency.

Why you should listen:

Ideal for business leaders and marketing professionals aiming to integrate and optimize their operational processes for better revenue outcomes.

Standout episode:

The MarTech Developer - This episode with Stanford Whiteman focuses on the challenges and innovations in creating and implementing marketing technology, offering valuable insights for both developers and marketers interested in the technical side of MarTech.

Links to listen:

About the host:

Justin Norris is a RevOps specialist with extensive experience in aligning sales, marketing, and customer service to drive business growth. His insights and interviews with industry experts offer valuable lessons in operational efficiency and strategic alignment.

3. AdExchanger Talks by Zach Rogers

AdExchanger Talks, martech podcast


AdExchanger Talks, hosted by Zach Rogers, is a podcast focusing on the intersection of advertising and technology. It features in-depth conversations with thought leaders and innovators in the digital advertising space, discussing trends, challenges, and the future of the industry.

What you'll learn:

Insights into the latest trends in digital marketing, advertising, programmatic media, and the technology shaping the ad industry.

Why you should listen:

Essential for marketing and advertising professionals who want to stay informed about the rapidly evolving digital advertising landscape.

Standout episode:

The Reality Of Advertising In Virtual Worlds” - This discussion explores the opportunities and challenges for brands in digital spaces, offering insights into how advertising is adapting and thriving in these new, virtual frontiers.

Links to listen:

About the host:

Zach Rogers is a respected journalist and expert in digital advertising technology. His background in reporting gives him a unique edge in dissecting complex tech trends in the advertising world.

4. The Martech Podcast: Data Makes the Difference by Kim Davis

The Martech Podcast: Data Makes the Difference, martech podcast


The Martech Podcast: Data Makes the Difference, hosted by Kim Davis, is an insightful series that dives into how data is reshaping the world of marketing technology. The podcast features conversations with industry experts who discuss the impact of data on marketing strategies and the evolving role of MarTech in business.

What you'll learn:

Understanding of how data integration and analytics are critical in developing effective MarTech strategies and enhancing marketing efforts.

Why you should listen:

Ideal for marketers and technology enthusiasts seeking to comprehend the rapidly changing landscape of MarTech and the growing importance of data-driven decision-making.

Standout episode:

Jen Burns - The Martech Podcast: Data Makes the Difference” - This episode explores how data-driven strategies can significantly enhance marketing efforts, offering listeners practical advice and in-depth knowledge on leveraging data effectively within the MarTech landscape.

Links To Listen:

About The Host:

Kim Davis is a seasoned journalist and MarTech expert known for his deep insights into marketing technologies and data analytics. His expertise and thoughtful interviewing style bring clarity and depth to complex MarTech topics.

5. Indie Marketers Podcast by Mike MacFarlane

Indie Marketers Podcast, martech podcast


Indie Marketers Podcast, hosted by Mike MacFarlane, is tailored for independent marketers and small business owners. It focuses on practical, actionable marketing tech-related strategies and tips that can be implemented without large budgets or teams.

What you'll learn:

Effective, budget-friendly marketing tactics and strategies ideal for small businesses and solo marketers.

Why you should listen:

Perfect for entrepreneurs and independent marketers looking for efficient, cost-effective ways to boost their marketing efforts.

Standout episode:

Episode 4 - Jon Miller (Co-Founder, Marketo) & Steven Woods (Co-Founder, Eloqua)- This podcast episode offers valuable insights from these pioneering figures in the MarTech industry, discussing the evolution, challenges, and prospects of marketing technology and automation strategies.

Links to listen:

About the host:

Mike MacFarlane is an experienced marketer with a passion for helping small businesses and independent professionals excel in their marketing efforts. His practical advice and real-world experience make the podcast a valuable resource for anyone looking to improve their marketing tactics with limited resources.

6. Ops Cast by Michael Hartmann, Mike Rizzo, and Naomi Liu

Ops Cast, martech podcast


Ops Cast, hosted by Michael Hartmann, Mike Rizzo, and Naomi Liu, is a podcast that delves into marketing operations. The show covers various topics, from process efficiency to technology implementation, and features insights from industry experts.

What you'll learn:

Deep insights into marketing operations, including strategies, tools, and best practices for improving operational efficiency in your martech role.

Why you should listen:

Perfect for marketing professionals seeking to enhance their knowledge and skills in marketing operations and stay updated with the latest trends.

Standout episode:

What CMOs Should Know About Marketing Operations with Andrea Lechner-Becker - This podcast delves into the critical aspects of marketing operations that CMOs should be aware of—discussing key strategies, challenges, and the evolving role of marketing operations in achieving business growth and enhancing overall marketing effectiveness.

Links to listen:

About the hosts:

Michael Hartmann, Mike Rizzo, and Naomi Liu are experienced professionals in the field of marketing operations. They bring diverse perspectives from their extensive careers, offering listeners a comprehensive view of the challenges and opportunities in marketing operations.

7. Ragnarokast by Steven Aldrich and Spencer Barrett

Ragnarokast, martech podcast


Ragnarokast, hosted by Steven Aldrich and Spencer Barrett, explores the dynamic and often disruptive world of MarTech. The podcast features discussions on how technology is changing the marketing landscape, from emerging tools to innovative strategies.

What you'll learn:

Insights into the latest MarTech trends and how they're reshaping marketing.

Why you should listen:

Ideal for marketers seeking to understand and adapt to the rapidly evolving MarTech space.

Standout episode:

Modern Tech Stack | Ragnarokast #5- The episode explores how AI (Artificial Intelligence) is revolutionizing marketing strategies, optimizing operations, and offering innovative solutions for challenges faced by today's marketers.

Links to listen:

About the hosts:

Steven Aldrich and Spencer Barrett are seasoned experts in MarTech, with a keen eye on innovation and digital transformation in marketing. Their combined experience offers listeners a rich perspective on adapting and thriving in an ever-changing field.

8. MarTech Podcast by I Hear Everything

MarTech Podcast, martech podcast


MarTech Podcast by I Hear Everything, hosted by Benjamin Shapiro, is a comprehensive source for insights into the rapidly evolving world of marketing technology. The podcast features interviews with diverse leaders in the MarTech space, discussing strategies, tools, and the latest trends.

What you'll learn:

Advanced strategies and insights on leveraging marketing technology for business growth and success.

Why you should listen:

Ideal for marketing professionals looking to deepen their understanding of MarTech and stay ahead of industry trends.

Standout episode:

Why LinkedIn Is The Marketer's Social Platform -- Luis Baez // Madecraft - This episode featuring Luis Baez delves into how LinkedIn uniquely benefits marketers, offering strategies and insights for leveraging the platform for effective content marketing, networking, and brand building.

Links to listen:

About the host:

Benjamin Shapiro is a seasoned marketing strategist with a wealth of experience in leveraging technology for marketing success. His expertise and engaging style make complex MarTech concepts accessible and informative for listeners.

9. Making Sense of MarTech by Juan Mendoza

Making Sense of MarTech, martech podcast


Making Sense of MarTech by Juan Mendoza offers an in-depth look at the intersection of marketing and technology. The podcast covers a range of topics, from data analytics to customer experience, all through a MarTech lens.

What you'll learn:

How to navigate and make sense of the complex MarTech stack landscape.

Why you should listen:

Essential for those who want to effectively integrate technology into their marketing strategy.

Standout episode:

#61 | Ari Paparo on the fool’s errand of media - This episode provides valuable insights into the unique hurdles startups face in the media landscape, along with strategies for effective marketing in this dynamic and competitive environment.

Links To Listen:

About the host:

Juan Mendoza is a MarTech expert with a passion for teaching and simplifying complex concepts. His approachable style and deep knowledge make the podcast a valuable resource for both novices and experienced marketers.

10. Humans of Martech by Jon Taylor and Phil Gamache

Humans of Martech, martech podcast


Humans of Martech, hosted by Jon Taylor and Phil Gamache, humanizes the MarTech industry by focusing on the people behind the technology. The hosts engage with various professionals to share stories, challenges, and successes in the MarTech realm.

What you'll learn:

Personal and professional journeys of MarTech experts, along with key industry insights.

Why you should listen:

It offers a unique, human-centric perspective on the MarTech landscape beyond just tools and strategies.

Standout episode:

70: Exploring new paths to future-proof your marketing career in the age of AI - The podcast focuses on how professionals can adapt and enhance their skills, particularly in SEO, to stay relevant and effective in an industry increasingly influenced by artificial intelligence.

Links to listen:

About the hosts:

Jon Taylor and Phil Gamache are deeply involved in the MarTech industry and passionate about exploring the human element in technology. Their backgrounds in digital marketing and technology fuel engaging and insightful conversations.

11. ZigZagging into Marketing Technology by Faylene Bell

ZigZagging into Marketing Technology, martech podcast


ZigZagging into Marketing Technology, hosted by Faylene Bell, navigates the intersection of creativity and technology in marketing. This marketing podcast showcases interviews with innovators and influencers who have carved unique paths in the MarTech world.

What you'll learn:

Creative approaches and innovative solutions in MarTech from industry trailblazers.

Why you should listen:

A source of inspiration and practical advice for those looking to blend creativity with technology in marketing.

Standout episode:

Email Marketing Tips for Higher Open Rates- This episode offers practical tips and expert advice on how to increase email open rates, a crucial metric for the success of any email marketing campaign, ensuring that messages not only reach but also engage the target audience effectively.

Links to listen:

About the host:

Faylene Bell is an accomplished marketer with a flair for integrating creativity and technology. Her expertise lies in digital marketing, and she brings a fresh, innovative perspective to the MarTech conversation.

12. Marketing Technology Podcast by Marketing Guys

Marketing Technology Podcast, martech podcast


Marketing Technology Podcast, hosted by Elias Crum of Marketing Guys, delves into the latest trends and innovations in marketing technology. The podcast features insightful discussions with industry experts, offering a look at new marketing tools, strategies, and the evolving digital marketing landscape.

What you'll learn:

Key insights into the latest marketing technologies, strategies for digital transformation, and practical advice for implementing effective marketing tech solutions.

Why you should listen:

Ideal for marketing professionals seeking to stay up-to-date with the rapidly changing world of digital marketing and MarTech innovations.

Standout episode:

Exploring the Win-Win-House: Merging In-House and External Agency Marketing for Optimal Success - Elias interviews Kasper Sierslev- This episode focuses on optimizing marketing campaigns, refining overall marketing strategy, and effectively coordinating marketing teams for enhanced performance and results.

Links to listen:

About the hosts:

Elias Crum, the founder of Marketing Guys, is a seasoned expert in digital marketing and marketing technology. His extensive experience and deep understanding of the MarTech field make him a valuable guide for those navigating this complex and dynamic industry.

13. The Gartner Marketing & Communications Podcast by Gartner

The Gartner Marketing & Communications Podcast, martech podcast


The Gartner Marketing & Communications Podcast provides insights and analysis on the latest trends and challenges in the marketing and communications industry. It features Gartner's expert analysts and special guests discussing research findings and offering actionable advice for marketing professionals.

What you'll learn:

Key industry trends, insights, and actionable strategies from Gartner's extensive marketing research.

Why you should listen:

Ideal for marketing professionals seeking data-driven insights and strategic guidance from industry-leading analysts.

Standout episode:

Martech’s Watershed Moment- This podcast episode explores how generative AI is transforming marketing strategies, offering insights into its revolutionary applications and implications for the future of MarTech.

Links to listen:

About the host:

The podcast is hosted by various Gartner analysts, each bringing specialized knowledge and expertise in marketing and communications. Their deep understanding of industry trends and challenges makes each episode a valuable resource for marketing professionals.

Dozie Anyaegbunam

Dozie Anyaegbunam is the Senior Editor of The CMO, digital marketing firepower for SaaS pioneers. He's a marketing strategist with years of experience in Marketing, Communications, Ecommerce, and SEO. And has worked across verticals ranging from software to edu-tech, apparel, and F&B, leading teams at B2B SaaS startups, global multinationals, and the public sector. He’s the Founder & Host of The Newcomer’s Podcast featuring immigrants and their stories of moving to a new country, and he’s currently producing a documentary on the immigrant’s experience.