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In the world of digital communication, email remains an unwavering pillar. But mastering its potential isn't about luck—it's about knowledge. I've poured through countless email marketing books, each brimming with strategies, insights, and technological advancements. It's a passion of mine, not just in theory, but in practice. Every email marketing book I've absorbed has honed my skills, sharpened my strategies, and broadened my understanding.

If you're seeking the most effective ways to connect, convert, and captivate through email—you're in the right place. I've walked this path, and I can guide you through the maze of information out there. Let's discover the email marketing books that will elevate your campaigns to new heights.

17 Best Email Marketing Book Shortlist

After exploring countless email marketing trends, I've curated the very best email marketing books to address your specific needs.

  1. Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion by Robert B. Cialdini
  2. E-mail Copywriting Prompts for Beginners: Copywriting Exercises for Beginner Copywriters by Michael Nardi
  3. E-mail Marketing for Dummies by John Arnold
  4. Email Marketing Rules: A Step-by-Step Guide to the Best Practices that Power Email Marketing Success by Chad S. White
  5. Email Persuasion by Ian Brodie
  6. The Rebel’s Guide to Email Marketing by DJ Waldow and Jason Falls
  7. Email Marketing Demystified by Matthew Paulson
  8. 300 Email Marketing Tips: Critical Advice And Strategy To Turn Subscribers Into Buyers & Grow A Six-Figure Business With Email by Meera Kothand
  9. Epic Content Marketing by Joe Pulizzi
  10. Ultimate Guide to Email Marketing for Business by Susan Gunelius
  11. Email Marketing Mastery by Tom Corson-Knowles
  12. The New Email Revolution by Robert W. Bly
  13. The SaaS Email Marketing Playbook: Convert Leads, Increase Customer Retention, and Close More Recurring Revenue With Email by Étienne Garbugli
  14. Marketing Automation and Online Marketing by George Pain
  15. Natural Orders: Email Marketing Automation Strategy for Small Online Business by Matt Treacey
  16. How to Set Up an Email Marketing Campaign: The Ultimate Step-by-Step Illustrated Guide! by John Lagoudakis
  17. The Email Lifeline by Anik Singal

Overviews of the 17 Best Email Marketing Books

1. Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion by Robert B. Cialdini

Hard cover photo of the book entitled: Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion


This seminal book dives into the science and psychology behind why people say "yes" and how to apply these understandings in various aspects of marketing.

What You'll Learn:

  • The six universal principles of persuasion
  • How to become a skilled persuader
  • Defense against undue influence

Why You Should Read It:

To gain a foundational understanding of the key principles of persuasion and influence that can elevate any marketing strategy.

Quote From The Book:

"Reciprocity, consistency, social proof, liking, authority, and scarcity. These are the universal principles of influence."

About The Author:

Robert B. Cialdini is a leading expert on persuasion, influence, and negotiation. Connect with him on LinkedIn, his personal website, and other social media sites.

2. E-mail Copywriting Prompts for Beginners: Copywriting Exercises for Beginner Copywriters by Michael Nardi

Photo cover of the book entitled: Email Copywriting Prompts for Beginners: Copywriting Exercises for Beginner Copywriters


Dive into Michael Nardi's guide tailored explicitly for those new to the world of email copywriting. This book offers a plethora of exercises designed to hone your skills, giving you the practice and knowledge to create compelling email content from scratch.

What You'll Learn:

  • Basics of email copywriting and its significance
  • Techniques to draft engaging and persuasive emails
  • Hands-on exercises to fine-tune your writing prowess

Why You Should Read It:

For a practical approach to mastering the art of email copywriting, ensure your messages stand out in crowded inboxes.

Quote From The Book:

"Crafting the perfect email isn't just about words—it's about stirring emotions and driving action."

About The Author:

Michael Nardi has dedicated his career to empowering budding copywriters. Network with him on LinkedIn, and get more insights on his other platforms.

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3. E-mail Marketing for Dummies by John Arnold

Hard cover photo of Email Marketing for Dummies, a book written by John Arnold


A practical guide that provides marketers with the tools they need to enhance their e-mail campaigns, increasing revenue and reach.

What You'll Learn:

  • Basics of effective email design
  • Tracking and analyzing metrics
  • Improving deliverability and open rates

Why You Should Read It:

To acquire a comprehensive understanding of email marketing, from the basics to advanced strategies.

Quote From The Book:

"An email list is one of the marketer's most reliable tools."

About The Author:

John Arnold is a seasoned marketing professional known for his expertise in digital communication. Follow him on LinkedIn, and visit his personal site.

4. Email Marketing Rules: A Step-by-Step Guide to the Best Practices that Power Email Marketing Success by Chad S. White

Hard cover photo of Chad S. White's Email Marketing Rules


A comprehensive dive into the world of email marketing, this guide presents a detailed overview of the best practices that have powered the success of many email campaigns.

What You'll Learn:

  • Foundations of effective email campaigns
  • Advanced tactics for segmenting and targeting
  • Strategies for optimizing deliverability and engagement

Why You Should Read It:

To gain an in-depth understanding of email marketing from the ground up, ensure your campaigns stand out in the crowded inbox.

Quote From The Book:

"Successful email marketing isn't about sending messages; it's about fostering engagement and building relationships."

About The Author:

Chad S. White is a prominent figure in the email marketing domain. Connect with him on LinkedIn, Twitter, and his official website.

5. Email Persuasion by Ian Brodie

Photo cover of the book entitled: Email Persuasion written Ian Brodie


Brodie's guide offers actionable insights on crafting compelling email marketing messages that captivate audiences and lead to conversions.

What You'll Learn:

  • Crafting persuasive email content
  • Tactics for effective email sales funnels
  • Strategies for boosting email open rates

Why You Should Read It:

To master the art of crafting emails that not only get opened but also act upon, converting readers into loyal customers.

Quote From The Book:

"Email is not just about selling; it's about building a relationship with your audience."

About The Author:

Ian Brodie is renowned for his expertise in email marketing and digital sales strategies. Stay connected with him on LinkedIn, Twitter, and his personal website.

6. The Rebel’s Guide to Email Marketing by DJ Waldow and Jason Falls

Hardcover photo of the book entitled: The Rebel's Guide to Email Marketing


A fresh and unconventional take on email marketing, this book challenges traditional norms, offering innovative strategies for those willing to think outside the box.

What You'll Learn:

  • Breaking email marketing myths
  • Unique approaches to list building and segmentation
  • Unconventional tactics to improve email ROI

Why You Should Read It:

To look at email marketing from a new perspective, breaking away from traditional methods, and adopting strategies that truly resonate with today's audience.

Quote From The Book:

"Being a rebel in email marketing isn't about breaking the rules—it's about knowing when to challenge them."

About The Authors:

DJ Waldow and Jason Falls are celebrated figures in the world of digital marketing. Connect with DJ Waldow on LinkedIn, Twitter, and his official site. Similarly, get in touch with Jason Falls on LinkedIn, Twitter, and his website.

7. Email Marketing Demystified by Matthew Paulson

Hard cover photo of the book entitled: Email Marketing Demystified written by Matthew Paulson


Paulson’s work decodes the complexities of email marketing, providing readers with a clear roadmap to harness its power for business growth.

What You'll Learn:

  • The basics of building an email list from scratch
  • Techniques to engage subscribers and increase open rates
  • Conversion optimization for turning subscribers into customers

Why You Should Read It:

For a concise yet comprehensive guide that simplifies email marketing, making it accessible and actionable for both beginners and veterans.

Quote From The Book:

"Email marketing isn't about sending emails. It's about building relationships and trust over time."

About The Author:

Matthew Paulson is an entrepreneur and email marketing expert. Follow him on LinkedIn, and Twitter, and explore more on his website.

8. 300 Email Marketing Tips: Critical Advice And Strategy To Turn Subscribers Into Buyers & Grow A Six-Figure Business With Email by Meera Kothand

Photo cover of the Meera Kothand's 300 Email Marketing Tips


Meera Kothand delivers a treasure trove of 300 insightful tips to revolutionize your email marketing game. This book is packed with actionable advice to convert subscribers into loyal customers and drive significant business growth.

What You'll Learn:

  • How to engage and nurture your email list effectively
  • Strategies for turning passive subscribers into active buyers
  • Tips to elevate your email content and design

Why You Should Read It:

To unlock the full potential of email marketing and drive substantial growth for your business, regardless of its size.

Quote From The Book:
"Email isn't just about sending messages; it's about building relationships, one click at a time."

About The Author:

Meera Kothand is a renowned email marketing strategist with a passion for helping businesses succeed. Follow her insights and connect with her on LinkedIn.

9. Epic Content Marketing by Joe Pulizzi

Hard cover photo of the book entitled: Epic Content Marketing written by Joe Pulizzi


Pulizzi's guide breaks down the art of content marketing, emphasizing storytelling, authenticity, and strategies to captivate modern audiences.

What You'll Learn:

  • Crafting compelling content that resonates
  • The importance of consistency and authenticity
  • Building a loyal community around your brand

Why You Should Read It:

For a deep dive into content marketing, understand its power to transform businesses and foster authentic connections with audiences.

Quote From The Book:

"Good content marketing makes a person stop, read, think, and behave differently."

About The Author:

Joe Pulizzi is a leading voice in content marketing, having founded the Content Marketing Institute. Engage with him on LinkedIn, and Twitter, and learn more at his website.

10. Ultimate Guide to Email Marketing for Business by Susan Gunelius

Hard cover photo of Susan Gunelius' Ultimate Guide to Email Marketing


Gunelius provides a thorough blueprint for businesses seeking to harness the full potential of email marketing in a rapidly changing digital landscape.

What You'll Learn:

  • Foundations of a robust email marketing strategy
  • Techniques to engage and Retain Subscribers
  • Tips for maximizing email conversion rates

Why You Should Read It:

To equip yourself with a well-rounded understanding of email marketing, ensuring your business remains ahead in the digital age.

Quote From The Book:

"Email isn't just a tool—it's a relationship."

About The Author:

Susan Gunelius is an acclaimed marketer and author. Engage with her on LinkedIn, and Twitter, and explore more on her website.

11. Email Marketing Mastery by Tom Corson-Knowles

Photo cover of the book entitled: Email Marketing Mastery written by Tom Corson-Knowles


Corson-Knowles delves deep into the intricacies of email marketing, demystifying its complexities and making it accessible to all.

What You'll Learn:

  • Crafting compelling email content
  • Secrets behind powerful email sales funnels
  • Strategies for long-term subscriber retention

Why You Should Read It:

To unlock the secrets of successful email campaigns and build lasting relationships with your subscribers.

Quote From The Book:

"Behind every email is an opportunity to connect."

About The Author:

Tom Corson-Knowles is an entrepreneur with a passion for digital marketing. Stay connected with him on LinkedIn, Twitter, and his personal website.

12. The New Email Revolution by Robert W. Bly

Hard cover book photo of Robert W. Bly's The New Email Revolution


Bly takes readers on a journey through the evolving world of email marketing, offering insights into the future and how businesses can stay relevant.

What You'll Learn:

  • Navigating changes in the email marketing landscape
  • Future-ready strategies for engagement
  • Adapting to new email technologies and trends

Why You Should Read It:

To future-proof your email marketing strategies and stay ahead of the curve in an ever-evolving digital realm.

Quote From The Book:
"The future of email is not just about sending—it's about evolving."

About The Author:

Robert W. Bly is a prolific writer and marketing expert. Engage with him on LinkedIn, and Twitter, and learn more at his official site.

13. The SaaS Email Marketing Playbook: Convert Leads, Increase Customer Retention, and Close More Recurring Revenue With Email by Étienne Garbugli

Hard cover photo of the book entitled: The SaaS Email Marketing Playbook: Convert Leads, Increase Customer Retention, and Close More Recurring Revenue with Email


Garbugli offers a specialized guide for SaaS companies, elucidating how they can amplify their growth and revenues using strategic email marketing.

What You'll Learn:

  • Tailoring email strategies for the SaaS business model
  • Techniques to convert leads into loyal customers
  • Methods to reduce churn and enhance customer retention

Why You Should Read It:

To gain a deep understanding of how email marketing can be uniquely leveraged for SaaS, from acquisition to retention.

Quote From The Book:

"In SaaS, email isn't just a channel—it's a growth engine."

About The Author:

Étienne Garbugli is a renowned SaaS consultant and marketing maestro. Engage with him on LinkedIn, Twitter, and his official site.

14. Marketing Automation and Online Marketing by George Pain

Hard cover photo of the book entitled: Marketing Automation and Online Marketing


Pain provides a comprehensive dive into the world of marketing automation, detailing how businesses can maximize their online presence and conversion rates.

What You'll Learn:

  • The power of automating marketing processes
  • Strategies for effective online engagement
  • Techniques to optimize and scale digital campaigns

Why You Should Read It:

To harness the capabilities of modern marketing technologies, ensuring your business remains efficient and competitive.

Quote From The Book:

"Automation isn't just about efficiency; it's about creating experiences."

About The Author:

George Pain is an expert in digital transformation and online marketing strategies.

15. Natural Orders: Email Marketing Automation Strategy for Small Online Business by Matt Treacey

Hard cover photo of the book entitled: Natural Orders written by Matt Treacey


Treacey's book is a beacon for small online businesses, offering actionable strategies to automate their email marketing for optimum growth.

What You'll Learn:

  • Crafting automation strategies tailored to small business owners
  • Engaging and retaining customers in a crowded digital marketplace
  • Harnessing data for better email personalization

Why You Should Read It:

To empower your small business with the tools and strategies that level the playing field in the world of digital marketing.

Quote From The Book:

"Even small businesses can have a big digital footprint—with the right email strategy."

About The Author:

Matt Treacey is a champion of small businesses, providing insights and strategies to thrive online. Engage with him on LinkedIn, and Twitter, and explore more on his personal website.

16. How to Set Up an Email Marketing Campaign: The Ultimate Step-by-Step Illustrated Guide! by John Lagoudakis

Book cover of How to Set Up an Email Marketing Campaign written by John Lagoudakis


Lagoudakis provides an illustrative and comprehensive guide to initiating and executing successful email marketing campaigns, ensuring every step is crystal clear.

What You'll Learn:

  • Building the foundation for a robust email campaign
  • Designing engaging email templates that captivate
  • Metrics and tools to gauge the success of your campaigns

Why You Should Read It:

To demystify the process of launching an email campaign and optimize your efforts for the best results.

Quote From The Book:

"An email campaign isn't about sending messages—it's about forging connections."

About The Author:

John Lagoudakis is a digital marketing pioneer with expertise in email strategies. Network with him on LinkedIn, follow him on Twitter, and dive deeper into his website.

17. The Email Lifeline by Anik Singal

Hard cover photo of the book entitled: The Email Lifeline written by Anik Singal


Singal's "The Email Lifeline" emphasizes the paramount importance of email marketing, presenting it as the lifeline for businesses in the digital age.

What You'll Learn:

  • The fundamentals of building a sustainable email list
  • Strategies to consistently engage and nurture subscribers
  • Techniques to convert email interactions into tangible sales

Why You Should Read It:

To understand the enduring relevance of email marketing and learn how it can be your business's most powerful asset.

Quote From The Book:

"Email is more than a communication tool; it's the pulse of your business."

About The Author:

Anik Singal is a celebrated entrepreneur and digital marketing visionary. Connect with him on LinkedIn, stay updated through Twitter, and more.


If you believe there's a gem we overlooked that is a fit for our target audience, please share your book recommendations with us. We value your insights and always strive for a comprehensive collection! Your suggestions could be the guiding light for another reader seeking email marketing wisdom.

Stephanie Hood

Stephanie Hood is an experienced marketing professional and Editor of The CMO. With nearly a decade spent as Marketing Manager at Discover Holidays and Executive Editor at VIVA Lifestyle & Travel, she built her career leading editorial and marketing teams and strategies that turn six-figure budgets into seven-figure profits. She now enjoys connecting with the world's top executives to learn their secrets to business success, and shares those insights right here with her community of like-minded professionals. Curious what she’s uncovered? Be sure to sign up for The CMO newsletter.